喇叭的power handling
請問各位師兄如果對喇叭寫明Power Handling係50W-175W,
謝謝! 唔好話200W,就算100W嘅後級都會推爆佢呀,如果係咁開大volume....{:6_204:} 唔好話200W,就算100W嘅後級都會推爆佢呀,如果係咁開大volume....{:6_204:}
粟米湯 發表於 2010-1-13 00:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
明白, 即係後級係開到最大先至會250W? 係~之前都search過,一般家庭幾十W電流已經好大聲{:6_168:} 喇叭的Power handling是一個參考數值, 可以方便消費者去選擇擴音器. 更重要的還是靈敏度, 這數值代表多少輸入功率能發出多少分貝音壓. 事實上, 如果250w功率全數輸出時, 我想你用任何喇叭都會震耳欲聾. 我個amp輸出只有50w, 但vol就最多開到9點鐘個位置, 一般8點到已夠音量。如果開到12點, 我諗個喇叭隨時玩完。 Also, small watt amp (say 50-80 w x 2 channels) has good "sound performance" relatively.
large watt amp should have high control on sound performance (Such amp price must be expensive) Otherwise, sound will be "粗聲". eg. AV amp - 150W per channel. Sound not good.
Dont focus on "watt", believe yr ear.
Just for sharing. So, is that means as long as the volume of the music (e.g.) is maintained (or carefully adjusted) , will a 200W per channel amp "destory" a 150W R.M.S loudspeaker?
No matter the answer would be, be there any different for different DB sentivitiy of the speaker ? like 89db and a 92db speaker?
This kinda question always in my mind ... thanks.{:4_58:} 用盡的話7w 都會另樓下投訴!