djaddy 發表於 2010-1-13 16:39

ching, 謝謝回覆

我想問下係旺角有冇地方買到呢種釘腳?如有的話, 幾$$?


我知ssp有, 但係自己係旺角返工, 行過秋記, 搵唔到, 如旺角其他地方有的話, 唔洗周圍走來走去。

謝謝! ...
lskthomas 發表於 2010-1-13 16:14

Thomas hing,

These are only cheap cheap from Taobao... RBM for 1 set.

lskthomas 發表於 2010-1-13 16:54

Thomas hing,

These are only cheap cheap from Taobao... RBM for 1 set.
djaddy 發表於 2010-1-13 16:39

Yes, i saw it at RMB148 at Taobao.

in fact, i bought 1 box (6 pcs) at SSP before.I need just 2 more pcs for my speaker so that I can use 4 pcs in each speaker for better stability.My wife almost dropped my previous speaker when I used only 3 spikes.

Do you have good recommendation of spikes in the long run?

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-13 17:35

Yes, i saw it at RMB148 at Taobao.

in fact, i bought 1 box (6 pcs) at SSP before.I need just 2 more pcs for my speaker so that I can use 4 pcs in each speaker for better stability.My wife almos ...
lskthomas 發表於 2010-1-13 16:54

Actually, it's very hard to balance a spkr with 4 pieces. I ended up putting the extra set aside.

MarkMak 發表於 2010-1-13 17:44

你講個間 ?

(可以生存到咁耐 , 算係奇跡! (指鋪頭)
孤身走我路 發表於 2010-1-13 16:36

見到佢哋甘樣都唔想入去問嘢{:6_223:} ,反而阿秋姐好好人{:6_193:} ,上星期先幫襯過一次{:6_143:}

lskthomas 發表於 2010-1-13 17:54

Actually, it's very hard to balance a spkr with 4 pieces. I ended up putting the extra set aside.
djaddy 發表於 2010-1-13 17:35

oh... really? no wonder most people use only 3 spikes la

ram 發表於 2010-1-13 18:38

oh... really? no wonder most people use only 3 spikes la
lskthomas 發表於 2010-1-13 17:54


kalok6 發表於 2010-1-13 19:40


cyberken 發表於 2010-1-13 17:49

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-13 21:22

oh... really? no wonder most people use only 3 spikes la
lskthomas 發表於 2010-1-13 17:54

So no need to buy extra set la.

cowpang 發表於 2010-1-14 14:41

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