但你話AV LIFE 把陳列品當水貨賣, 就有D驚...
不過岩岩打左去, 叫SALES幫我轉信興送返貨同裝, 佢都好好禮貌幫我改{:1_351:} 打錯
電子野要成本,av life 呢d 細舖拎貨唔多,所以成本一定比其他大舖貴,佢地可以比其他大舖平,而又唔似得永誠咁係樓上開舖減低成本,你都諗到咩事,當然呢d 事唔係會發生起每個人的身上,因為如果個個都係咁,間舖執左好耐了
祝你好運! 唔係價錢問題,係信心問題
開頭問佢地價,講到明分期價,自已間舖做唔到大舖個分期價,就用cash 價呃人,如果我真係比cash ,我點知佢會唔會好似友誠咁,比完錢先話無貨? 叫我要第二部?
唔買都買左,但都要接受事實,希望你買得順順利利 我六個月前係av life 買部plasma 服務好好 10月同12月我都幫襯佢地買左2部plasma都冇問題 本帖最後由 ming226 於 2010-1-11 21:38 編輯
i also ask this question b4......u can see see
my sony 46z5500 bought from av life at oct 2009 no problem......
same time delivery and install.........good! tv is no problem......
i also have yr question b4, their answer is they want customer save time, so they dont like other store delivery and install time differ......... i accept this answer
i not agree av life is small store, of course compare with fotress and broadway they are small..... sometime u will face the salesman not professional, but my experience most of them is good, at least the price is better than broadway and fotress.
finally, not just tv, pioneer 320 also bought from them, of course good price.... {:6_193:}
10點半收到電視, CHECK左SCREEN無花就收貨~{:6_210:}
希望快快手搞掂, 因為6點又有個組合櫃送黎, 今晚有排執{:6_200:} 17# sanger
I bought a 50" plasma TV from them in April last year too.Price was reasonable service was good and had no problem. Can't figure out why some people out there say this shop is not good. 17# sanger
I bought a 50" plasma TV from them in April last year too.Price was reasonable service was good and had no problem. Can't figure out why some people out there say this shop is not goo ...
Donny 發表於 2010-1-16 14:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
i think so, avlife is good ga 搞左成晚, 叫做暫時整好
但C傳扭得好緊, 而手頭上又得支細批, 好難扭