買前級先定後級先?本人要影音分家, 為表遠打算, 將來2聲道想用前 + 後級, 但因 budget, 不能一次把心目中既Pre-amp 同 Power-amp 一齊買, 故現有2個方案:
1)先買前級, 用現有既Onkyo SR-806做 Power amp, 遲D再購入純 Power-amp
2)先買後級, 用現有既Onkyo SR-806做Pre-amp, 遲D再購入純 Pre-amp
1)以上邊個方案响音質方面有較大改善 ?
2)如用 AV-amp作 Power amp, Pre-amp應响 AV-Amp邊處連接 ?在此方案下聽純2聲道音樂時, 豈不是前, 中, 後同Subwoofer都一齊出聲 !?
3)如用 AV-amp作前級Pre amp, 是否把AV-amp 後 Pre-Out 與 Power-amp連接 ? (在此方案下我会有對專聽音樂既喇叭與Power-amp連接 1. 2
2. pre-in / 不是
3.是 (.... 如果你未買INT AMP...應該先買INT AMP..如果你有INT AMP....AV 方面..應換POWER AMP 先... 如果你未買INT AMP...應該先買INT AMP..如果你有INT AMP....AV 方面..應換POWER AMP 先...
francis_leung21 發表於 2010-1-10 01:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
為表遠打算, 用前 + 後級. 不考慮INT AMP 1. 2
2. pre-in / 不是
3.是 (....
Ep-71 發表於 2010-1-10 01:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
用 AV-amp作 Power amp,I CANNOT FIND ANY "PRE-IN "in my 806 AV Amp !? i guess there is no point to use 805 as power amp because its not main for power and its not powerful at all ,u are just waste your pre amp .....if u want to improve ,u can add a power amp or intergrated amp with av by-pass.{:6_183:} 本帖最後由 howin 於 2010-1-10 10:29 編輯
May be you can add a pure 2ch power amp which has XLR & RCA input at first, use 806 as a pre amp. While your budget is okay, buy a pure2ch pre amp for music connected via XLR input, and then RCA input for movie. 7# howin
The same as me. I use CA 840W as power amp first and then buy a CA 840E as pre amp to replace the AV amp for 2 Ch Thanks! 如先買純後, 用現有既AV-AMP做Pre-amp時我應已購入專係聽音樂既新喇叭同純 CDP (或 SACD Player), 即:
1) Movie = DVD/ BDP (已有) --------- > AV-Amp (已有)-------------- > 5.1 喇叭 (已有)
2) Music = CDP ---------- > AV Amp (as Pre-amp) ------------- > Stereo Power amp ---------- >新既Hi Fi喇叭 (唔係 5.1左右聲道果對喇叭)
Question:當我聽音樂時, 5.1喇叭會唔會同新既Hi Fi喇叭一齊出聲 ?
If yes, 點mute 咗5.1喇叭d聲? if you use the same front speaker for av and stero, simple choose stero mode in AV amp. If you use different speaker for av and 2 ch , simple use zone 2 to connect to front speakerto listen music ( of course, you still have to choose stero mode in av amp )