My collections since I have owned an int amp
本帖最後由 mightyatoms 於 2010-1-9 22:54 編輯I have owned my CA640A for 1.5 months....
Now I spend most of the time to listen music while I am at home...
So far I've got CD, LPCD & XRCD...
Personally I like XRCD {:6_208:} but the bad news is that no more XRCD released {:6_200:} and LPCD is the replacement....
I owned 1 LPCD (Cass Pang one) only and it would be my one and the only one... cos this is the same as the normal I CD...{:6_203:}
I just got Pavarotti one from HMV at just $35, the best value ever.... Must buy item for collection of him... RIP
I haven't get the Love Jazz Again...HMV is out of stock... 本帖最後由 Think 於 2010-1-10 00:33 編輯
睇返最近出巳嘅新碟, HQCD 似乎係一個大方向. 真係唔多覺有XRCD 出過.
師兄, 如果鍾意XRCD, 可以試吓K2HD. K2HD 係JVC的最新發明 (都出咗一段時間). 能夠將24bit data 放入16 bit的CD內.啲聲會比同廠XRCD24好. 但價錢就......貴. 碟都少得可鄰,但絶大部份都係經典. I haven't get the Love Jazz Again...HMV is out of stock...
sk555 發表於 2010-1-9 23:34
I saw it at TST HMV & HK records.....