BiLy 發表於 2018-9-27 12:23

當金菊變得時尚 Lotoo PAW Gold Touch評測

金菊是不少用家又愛又恨的機款,全新 Lotoo PAW Gold Touch 一改操作模式,操作流暢度可媲美其他同級機,音質更是有過之而無不及!

Chubill 發表於 2018-9-27 15:49

all good, except pricing......

choisan 發表於 2018-9-30 12:01

where to buy from china? taobao or SZ?
ask for my friend{:6_128:}

jaffeinism 發表於 2018-9-30 12:54

choisan 發表於 2018-9-30 12:01
where to buy from china? taobao or SZ?
ask for my friend

taobao 有, 不過要問, 佢地吾知做乜吾直接掛出, 去的有皇冠, 有鑽個的, 信用購買量大個的

Chubill 發表於 2018-9-30 13:18

香港深水埗電腦中心見到有得賣, 標價hk$24998, 我覺得就算計香港代理做保養, 這個價是貴得太離譜了吧!现在港元换人仔约100:88, 人仔17999定價换回港元是20000左右, 那5千溢價不知怎樣計出来

jaffeinism 發表於 2018-9-30 13:54

Chubill 發表於 2018-9-30 13:18
香港深水埗電腦中心見到有得賣, 標價hk$24998, 我覺得就算計香港代理做保養, 這個價是貴得太離譜了吧!现在 ...

甘燈油火臘, 交租, 人工, 網上搵人寫軟文, 個度都係錢; 本身如果有玩 開, 吾受上述因素影響, 米自己揾路買

choisan 發表於 2018-9-30 15:33

previously i bought a china ak jr, i accidentally damaged the battery by charging it when playing.
i sent back to china by my friend who works in china, only costed me postage and rmb$100 to fix.
if i took it to ect, it cost me $500 to inspect and unknown $ for parts.
i think it still worth to buy from china for this paw gold touch from taobao

jaffeinism 發表於 2018-9-30 19:26

choisan 發表於 2018-9-30 15:33
previously i bought a china ak jr, i accidentally damaged the battery by charging it when playing.
i ...

吾關TAOBAO事, 有咩事都係LOTOO負責, 不過最緊要要KEEP單, 需要維修直接CALL LOTOO就得

choisan 發表於 2018-9-30 19:32

This is why i suggest to buy from taobao, no problem in warranty. no need to buy from hk, too expensive

ip_csl 發表於 2018-9-30 20:52

choisan 發表於 2018-9-30 19:32
This is why i suggest to buy from taobao, no problem in warranty. no need to buy from hk, too expens ...

Can't find in Taobao.{:1_332:}
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