Nintendo Switch 下載版遊戲 現可以多機安裝了
本帖最後由 阿定 於 2022-9-19 14:29 編輯Nintendo Switch 今日公佈了 System 6.0 ,更新後除了支援 Nintendo Switch Online 服務外,亦改變了以往買下載版遊戲的使用方法
首先,你第一部登入eShop的主機,會係你的「隨時遊玩的主機」(Primary Console),所有你買回來的下載版遊戲,係呢部「隨時遊玩的主機」(Primary Console)入面的所有用戶都可以玩,而且無需在線都可以玩 (需網路連線服務之遊戲除外)
* 每個Nintendo Account只可登錄一台「隨時遊玩的主機」(Primary Console)
然後,如果你係其他主機登入你的戶口進入eShop,咁呢部機就會成為你的 「不是隨時遊玩的主機」(Non-Primary Console),你一樣可以用來玩你擁有的遊戲,不過條件係一定要連線,不能Offline玩,同埋除了你自己外,其他戶口都唔可以玩。
基於以上條件,其實可以同一時間有兩個人玩的,只要將自己部機設成「不是隨時遊玩的主機」(Non-Primary Console),Keep住長期在線玩,另一部比親友玩的機,設為「隨時遊玩的主機」(Primary Console),叫佢地用其他戶口玩就可以架啦。
Key Points:
Primary Console:
You can have one primary console at a time for your Nintendo Account.
The first Nintendo Switch console you use to connect to Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch will become your primary console.
While using the primary console, any user account on the console can play the downloadable content you have purchased.
While using the primary console, you do not need to have an active Internet connection while playing downloadable software.
An Internet connection is still required to use online features or games which require a subscription service.
You can change which Nintendo Switch console is your primary console but you must first deactivate the current primary console.
Non-Primary Console:
A Nintendo Account can be linked to Nintendo Switch consoles that are not designated as the primary console, however, some functionality differs from when a Nintendo Account is used on a primary console.
While using a non-primary console, you can still use the Nintendo Account to access the Nintendo eShop, purchase and download software, and under certain conditions, play your downloadable software.
While using a non-primary console, you must have an active Internet connection to play downloadable content.
If you lose your Internet connection while playing downloadable content on a non-primary console, your game will pause after a certain amount of time; however, once you connect online again, you will be able to resume from the point you left off.
While using a non-primary console, downloadable content can only be started by the user that purchased the content.
When using downloadable software on a non-primary console, your game will pause if your Nintendo Account is used to access downloadable software on any other Nintendo Switch console.
想問一下如果User A在primary console 用offline 玩後再在non-primary console online 玩,當再到primary console 用online 玩的時候, 他save 的資料是用primary console 還是non-primary console? taylormade 發表於 2019-1-1 17:49
想問一下如果User A在primary console 用offline 玩後再在non-primary console online 玩,當再到primary c ...