andy223 發表於 2018-9-12 10:50

mmcx to cm 轉插

本帖最後由 andy223 於 2018-9-12 11:19 編輯

有無師兄用過呢類轉插 ? 唔使改線, 好似好方便.

但對音質會唔會有影響呢 ?

redcomet188 發表於 2018-9-12 11:21

i am using the plussound mmcx to cm converter but cost over hkd1,000

I have tried other cheapest one but really bad   

andy223 發表於 2018-9-12 12:04

redcomet188 發表於 2018-9-12 11:21
i am using the plussound mmcx to cm converter but cost over hkd1,000

I have tried other cheapest o ...

咁睇黎拎去改頭實際 d ....

耳機係咪向上果個 pin 係正 ?
cm 頭點樣分 正負極 呢 ?

Chubill 發表於 2018-9-12 12:19

音質一定有影響, 同埋隻耳機會無咁好戴, 因為掛耳果part長左

choisan 發表於 2018-9-12 12:37

i used the one from taobao to convert cm to fitear, it is not that bad

wackoip 發表於 2018-9-12 16:30

I bought this from Taobao to connect a custom 2pin cable 4.4mm (ALO) to my JH Roxanne for connectiing to Sony Gold Brick. Costs HK$360 approx. Wouldn't say it's perfect butI would say better than using a 2.5mm to 4.4 adapter. I would say it retains 90% of the original SQ.!!58833631.jpg_430x430.jpg?time=1536051086000

andy223 發表於 2018-9-13 08:45

最後都係拎左去改頭, 免煩 ~~

wantf1 發表於 2018-9-30 14:03

andy223 發表於 2018-9-13 08:45
最後都係拎左去改頭, 免煩 ~~

CHING, 拎左去邊度改頭?

andy223 發表於 2018-10-2 08:41

wantf1 發表於 2018-9-30 14:03
CHING, 拎左去邊度改頭?

深之都 ~

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-2 10:53

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