Billyfish 發表於 2018-8-15 14:59


早幾日咪有個新update加咗DTS Virtual X格式嘅

而家出DTS X時如果用Movie Mode,佢只有5.1{:6_121:}
個感覺係變咗5.1 + Virtual X{:6_121:}

要用Direct mode先出返正常DTS X{:6_131:}


billy3310 發表於 2018-8-15 21:51


Recently, Marantz released a firmware update which triggered an issue with the following Marantz products (see below). Outlined in this email is an explanation of what happened, temporary fixes and timeline for an updated release date.

Models in question:
Marantz AV8805
Marantz SR8012
What happened
When the problem was identified, Marantz disabled the firmware auto-updating. However, if your product received the August 2018 update, the following settings will automatically change to default. This means you may need to re-configure again from the AVR setup menu. To confirm, there is no loss of AVR functionalities or performance.
Audio — Audyssey, Restorer, Audio Delay, etc.
Video — Output Settings, Picture Adjust, etc.
Inputs — Input Assign, Source rename, Hide source, etc.
Sound mode
Temporary fixes
Audyssey settings can be restored by flipping the Audyssey MultEQ XT32 setting to “Reference”
Network settings (incl. HEOS Account, Friendly Name, etc.) are not affected
Users can re-configure their settings from the AVR setup menu
Permanent solve
We will release an amended firmware update in early September — a fix might be shared sooner
Does this mean Airplay 2 is on temporary hold? Yes, users with the above models will not be able to access and use Airplay 2 until Marantz has released a new firmware update to fix the bugs
We will notify you again when further updates become available. In the meantime, please contact us for support or check our FAQs for more information

Billyfish 發表於 2018-8-16 15:53

頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 天龍個新update係咪有bug?

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