CES 2010:Toshiba 和 RealD 合作 3D 電視技術 (轉載)
轉載自 -http://chinese.engadget.com/2010/01/06/toshiba-announces-partnership-with-reald-for-3d-teevees/
RealD 在電影界是使用偏光鏡技術,但在電視這邊卻是主動式快門陣營的。先前 Sony 就已經宣佈過和 RealD 合作,Panasonic 則是和 XpanD 合作,所以除了 JVC 之外,目前電視 3D 界可以說是主動式快門眼鏡的天下。比較模糊的部份是實際的產品 - Toshiba 除了答應會在年內推出新電視之外,其他價格、型號等一概不詳。 A little bit disappointed, for using 主動式快門陣營, we need to buy the special glasses from the TV for each member of my family, and a very long wire need to connect to the TV...
And I wonder if the black-out time will be noticeable or not...
I think the 偏光鏡技術 will be the 2nd generation...