chhanthony 發表於 2018-8-8 14:46


Pocket Home Theater ProjectorAllan Abbott, July 31, 2018

The wraps are off the tiny new LG PF50KA full-HD 1080p projector with built-in LG Smart TV capability. This 600 lumen projector delivers image sizes up to 100" at an introductory promotion price from LG of just $549.99. It features a 30,000-hour illumination life and even comes with a built-in 2.5-hour battery for presentations when AC power is unavailable.
At just over two pounds, the PF50KA is very portable and sports dual 1-W speakers. Its two HDMI inputs are complemented by two USB inputs, one of which is Type C that can charge laptop and mobile devices from the same cable that carries the HD signal. To expand its reach, the PF50KA offers USB plug-and-play for wireless projection of movies, photos, and selected Microsoft Office files.
LG PF50KA key features:

[*]1920x1080 resolution
[*]600 ANSI lumens
[*]100,000:1 contrast ratio
[*]30,000-hour normal LED lamp life
[*]Embedded 2.5-hour battery
[*]Dual HDMI and USB One Type A and one Type C input
[*]25" to 100" diagonal images
[*]Dual 1-watt speakers
[*]1-year projector warranty

The LG PF50KA, at an introductory price of $549.99, is a bargain for a full HD projector, and its built-in Smart TV tuner is a surprising addition for such a low-cost projector. Apps such as Hulu, Netflix, and YouTube are provided. Think of it as an inexpensive flat-screen TV replacement for rooms where ambient light is not a problem. There is even a direct connection for cable/antenna.
The battery built into the PF50KA will provide about 2.5 hours of viewing time without any connection to AC power. Backyard get-togethers and mobile presentations in remote locations are two examples of the utility of this unusual feature, and the battery recharges quickly for extended viewing.
The PF50KA has two HDMI inputs along with dual USB connections, one of which is Type C with simultaneous recharging capability. Video and photo files on memory sticks can be plugged directly into a USB input. Additionally, there is an RF-45 input for network connections, and the PF50KA can also sync up with mobile devices via Miracast or WiDi.
While the built-in dual 1-watt speakers may suffice for a presentation to a small group, there is a Bluetooth audio capability for driving external speakers for larger gatherings. The fan noise from the PF50KA is very low, even at maximum brightness.
The LG PF50KA has a very small footprint (6.7" x 6.7" x 1.9"), and at only 2.2 lbs it is ideal for portable home theater and video in any area where you can turn the lights off, either indoors or for back yard movie nights.

小小Pat 發表於 2018-8-8 14:49


chhanthony 發表於 2018-8-8 14:54

小小Pat 發表於 2018-8-8 14:49

可以用電池 ........

小小Pat 發表於 2018-8-8 15:11

chhanthony 發表於 2018-8-8 14:54
可以用電池 ........


chhanthony 發表於 2018-8-8 15:22

小小Pat 發表於 2018-8-8 15:11

裝到的話就揀0.6 DMD嘅機

小小Pat 發表於 2018-8-8 15:29

chhanthony 發表於 2018-8-8 15:22
裝到的話就揀0.6 DMD嘅機


chhanthony 發表於 2018-8-8 17:49

小小Pat 發表於 2018-8-8 15:29

LG laser果部都唔算好短, 雖然係1.32 throw ratio,但佢部機成18吋高,
睇下年尾部Benq Laser0.47機 好似係1.1 throw ratio,"話" 100% DCI-P3
(但同期部5000流明嘅laser商用機又話得96% 709),真係睇定啲先!
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: LG手提LED FULL HD投影機

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