KGB 發表於 2010-1-6 16:31

BD player: OPPO BDP83 US Version New Firmware (Jan 5, 2010)

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2010-1-6 18:52 編輯

Release Information:

Release date: January 5, 2010.
Category: Latest Official Release

Main Version: BDP83-48-1224
Loader Version: BE2650 or BT0350
Sub Version: MCU83-25-0811

Release Notes:

This version is designed for both the standard BDP-83 and the BDP-83 Special Edition. Comparing to the previous official release version BDP83-40-0925, the major changes included in this version are:

1.Blu-ray Disc compatibility improvement, especially for certain titles such as the European version of "Terminator Salvation", Indican's "The Wonder of It All", and "(500) Days of Summer" from Fox.
2.Subtitle shift feature. During playback, press and hold the "SUBTITLE" button to activate the function and then use up/down arrow buttons to move the subtitle.The shift position is saved in the "Video Setup" - "Display Options" section of the setup menu.This feature is useful for customers with 2.35:1 projection screens.
3.OSD position feature.The OSD (On-Screen Display) can be moved to work together with the subtitle shift feature.There is a new setup menu item in the "Video Setup" - "Display Options" section for this.
4.Auto mode for HDMI Audio format.The new "Auto" mode enables the player to use bitstream audio output for audio formats that are supported by the A/V receiver, and LPCM for formats that cannot be decoded by the A/V receiver.
5.Setup menu changes. Some items are re-grouped into the "Display Options" sub-menu under "Video Setup".Some items are re-ordered in the menu structure to improve the ease of use.
6.Experimental feature - home network streaming. This feature can be accessed from the "My Network" icon in the "Home Menu" screen. It requires a DLNA-capable media server running on your computer. The supported media types are the common set of what the player can decode and what the media server can stream.
7.Experimental Feature - BluTV. This is an interactive television service that will initially feature channels such as casual games, widgets and movie art. To use this feature, the "BD-Live Network Access" item in the "Network Setup" section and the "Secondary Audio" item in the "Audio Format Setup" section of the player's setup menu must be turned on.

cwkam 發表於 2010-1-6 16:57

Ching, 知唔知呢個同之前BDP-83-48-1225B 有咩分別呀?
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查看完整版本: BD player: OPPO BDP83 US Version New Firmware (Jan 5, 2010)

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