JackieLeung@G 發表於 2018-7-26 10:12

Are you using the YSP5600 sound bar?

Ep-71 發表於 2018-7-26 12:21

I am also a YSP5600 owner. {:6_136:}{:6_136:}{:6_136:}

Leoboy8888 發表於 2018-7-26 21:00

嘗試過換電源線但唔成功, 因為市面上IEC曲頭太大, 插入去之後就装唔到個stand。

cinemaquette 發表於 2018-7-26 22:13

Leoboy8888 發表於 2018-7-26 21:00
嘗試過換電源線但唔成功, 因為市面上IEC曲頭太大, 插入去之後就装唔到個stand。 ...


JackieLeung@G 發表於 2018-7-27 12:23

本帖最後由 JackieLeung@G 於 2018-7-27 12:27 編輯

But, I am ok with the Audioquest IEC angle adaptor. It touches the stand, but; it is acceptable for me! And I had added a Shunyata 20Amp to 15Amp Adapter
to fit my Venom HC power cord for the sound bar power cable.

cinemaquette 發表於 2018-7-27 12:31

JackieLeung@G 發表於 2018-7-27 12:23
But, I am ok with the Audioquest IEC angle adaptor. It touches the stand, but; it is acceptable for ...

聪明仔! 我都買番個先。

JackieLeung@G 發表於 2018-7-27 12:32

Does any C hing play with any HDMI cables for the YSP5600?

JackieLeung@G 發表於 2018-7-27 12:38

本帖最後由 JackieLeung@G 於 2018-7-27 12:39 編輯

For the adaptor, please check below link...I don't remember if I used -1 or -2!! Need to check when I get home tonight!

JackieLeung@G 發表於 2018-7-27 12:45

cinemaquette 發表於 2018-7-27 12:31
聪明仔! 我都買番個先。

Ching, please post comments after you bought it and tested it!

Ep-71 發表於 2018-8-3 12:53

JackieLeung@G 發表於 2018-7-27 12:38
For the adaptor, please check below link...I don't remember if I used -1 or -2!! Need to check when...

good subjecton!!

how about the subwoofer ??? any subjection ???c hing
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