Jackym2197 發表於 2018-7-22 11:29

港版/美版 The Shape of Water (水底情深) 4K UHD+BD 雙碟版

本帖最後由 Jackym2197 於 2018-7-22 12:31 編輯

美版 The Shape of Water (水底情深) 4K UHD+BD 雙碟版

願意留言給@FoxHomeEnt Twitter或是Fox Home Entertainment Facebook的網友,



Disc 1 UHD 正片
字幕: English SDH, French, Spanish

Disc 2 Blu-ray 正片+幕後花絮 (ps.港台版花絮僅中字,無英字)
字幕: 英/法/西 (幕後花絮字幕:英/法/西)
A Fairytale for Troubled Times (HD 28:55)
Anatomy of a Scene: Prologue (HD 3:14) .
Anatomy of a Scene: The Dance (HD 4:50)
Shaping the Waves: A Conversation with James Jean (HD 5:05)
Guillermo del Toro's Master Class (HD 13:27)
Trailers (HD 6:55)

給Fox Home Entertainment 的投訴文:
I've bought many UHD+BD copies (Taiwan Version) in a few years;however,
none of the featurettes on Blu-ray supported by 20th Fox Century come with an English subtitle available on Taiwan Version Blu-rays.
But that the 20th Century Fox sutdio had not added a English subtitle for the featurettes on the Taiwan Version UHD+BD,it would have been much more enjoyable.

The featurettes on UHD+BD (Taiwan Version Blu-rays) I bought in the following list don't have an English subtitle available:
1.War for the Planet of the Apes 2.Alien: Covenant 3.Prometheus 4. Red Sparrow 5.Deapool 6.Logan
7.The Shape of Water 8.X-men: Apocalypse

I bought them again at http://Amazon.com(US) for an English SDH subtitle added for featurettes on blu-rays.
I live in Taiwan,it's much more convenient for me to buy local.
Would that Fox added an English subtitle for featurettes for Taiwan Version UHD+BD.

給@Paramount Pictures或是@ParamountMovies Twitter
But that the Paramount Sutdio had not added a bonus disc for Taiwan Version UHD+BD,
such as Forrest Gump,Saving Private Ryan,Mission: Impossible III,Ghost Protocol,Rogue Nation,Transformers: The Last Knight,Age of Extinction,etc,it would have been more enjoyable.
Would that Paramount would add a bonus disc for Taiwan version UHD+BD in the future.
Fans would be grateful for it.
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 港版/美版 The Shape of Water (水底情深) 4K UHD+BD 雙碟版

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