Rakehell 發表於 2018-7-17 16:26

4K 影片畫質問題 / 討論

大家好,小弟用緊 Oppo 203 / LG OLED C7

睇咗幾套 4K 片之後都覺得其實 4K 同 HD 唔係相差*好遠*. (可能我之前用 oppo 103D 開埋 Darbee 70% , HD 碟已經好多 Detail)
當然睇某D 4K試機戲 (e.g. Pacific Rim) 一睇就嘩嘩聲. 但普遍嚟講, 我老婆係分唔到 開咗Darbee 嘅HD vs 4K ...

最近睇 Justice League 4K 有 Dolby Vision, 真係嚇親,因為點解除咗 Menu 選項張相,我唔覺睇緊 4K 嘅?
成套片好多時間都好多雜訊,好似相機開 ISO 800 咁。 (小弟 Oppo 已改電源,TV 同Oppo 都用4K屎 , 濾波拖板 , TV 仲改埋線)

反而睇LG / Sony 果D 4K 示範video file , 真係睇幾多次都覺得超清超細緻。
定係 D 製片/製碟無去正視多 noise 問題 , 浪費4K機能?

XPR 發表於 2018-7-17 16:58

本帖最後由 XPR 於 2018-7-17 17:01 編輯


Demo片 因為要吸引人買機,當然有咁清整咁清啦!{:6_142:}

你又諗下,如果 Justice League 整到好似 Demo片 咁光咁清, 仲係唔係果種感覺呢?

fishbone8822 發表於 2018-7-17 17:13


Iron Man 1 2008
Iron Man 2 2010
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen 2009
Black Panther2018
Ready Player One 2018


wklie 發表於 2018-7-17 17:56

本帖最後由 wklie 於 2018-7-17 17:58 編輯

It is not noise.It is film grain.It needs to be appreciated in a different way, and I'm not joking.

For your preference, you may want to find digitally recorded 4K video instead of movies, which are mostly shot in film.Film is actually much more expensive to use.Alternatively, check out Pixar CG movies in 4K.

Rakehell 發表於 2018-7-17 19:01

wklie 發表於 2018-7-17 17:56
It is not noise.It is film grain.It needs to be appreciated in a different way, and I'm not joki ...

Oh yes 師兄 you remind me of film grain.{:6_142:}

I have just checked about Justice League and other films, some director loves to add grain in their movies.

For Justice League, I think it is "too much".Not sure if you have watched this movie.In the scene that 5 heroes first visited the bat cave (around 1:02:00), even though the bat cave is totally CG, gosh it looks like a documentary ... {:6_168:}

hoikei 發表於 2018-7-17 19:32

你揀native 4k的碟睇, 有明顯分別

rach 發表於 2018-7-17 19:35

同意, 唔少电電影4k增益唔算大, 反而Gaming 4k版效果較顯著, 例如PS4 Pro. GT Sports

AAA1 發表於 2018-7-17 20:21

應該是4K碟製作問題,比bluray還差。 如有去戲院看是非常清的!

wklie 發表於 2018-7-18 00:54

本帖最後由 wklie 於 2018-7-18 00:57 編輯

Many cinemas do not even have 4K projection.4K TV panels have a native sharpness that projectors typically cannot match.It is natural to see more relative details, and hence more film grain.Although female model photos are always photoshop'ed to remove all skin details to look "beautiful" in a fake manner, it is the exact opposite for true videophiles - you want to see all the imperfections and wrinkles on the characters' faces, and therefore film grain as well.Some people want noise-less picture and therefore turn on Noise Reduction - this is misguided because it removes important details as well.

andychankk 發表於 2018-7-18 12:51

主要係而家好多戲都唔係用4k拍攝,所以就睇唔出分別。播套lucy, 師兄就知道分別在那。
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