patrick@wong 發表於 2019-9-17 21:32

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2019-9-18 18:40 編輯

fatboy02 發表於 2019-9-17 17:23
很想知那裏可以試crystal cable

Excel hifi也可以试到crystal cable呀……試啱的話價錢邊道平就邊道買囉,買線材是要配搭不是看新/舊或價格貴或不斷追新線材就一定是好嗯!8月份AV show Gabi說未有新portable線材的計劃呀……

云云旗艦中我未揾到一條質素上可以真正取代到crystal cable,無論實力和性價比都遠勝其他旗艦線材....聽感就因人而異了!

choisan 發表於 2019-9-18 01:05

agreed, if some c hing want to buy now and keep it even though it is kind of late to buy after a year, but not a bad decision. just enjoy. never should think about how much of a value and resell value.
if like it, you will buy it with a million dollars, not matter it has low cot performance ratio.

tleonard 發表於 2019-9-29 14:46

老公 Siltech 轉咗代理喎,唔知老婆又點呢?

Gabi也透露目前公司正在開發耳擴,其並非隨身型耳擴,但體積不大易於擺放移動,可針對不同的耳機進行輸出切換對應,得到最好的匹配與聲音。Crystal Cable使用先進強大的Comsol software軟體來研發也是一大關鍵,這可是與美國NASA太空總署同等級的產品。

tleonard 發表於 2019-9-30 22:52

醇音音響正式成為荷蘭Crystal Cable晶彩的中國(包括港,澳地區)總代理

redcomet188 發表於 2019-10-2 09:18

tleonard 發表於 2019-9-30 22:52
醇音音響正式成為荷蘭Crystal Cable晶彩的中國(包括港,澳地區)總代理 ...

is bad news for us, usually those distributors will not care about Hong Kong market. such as Ultrasone..........

patrick@wong 發表於 2019-10-2 13:52

redcomet188 發表於 2019-10-2 09:18
is bad news for us, usually those distributors will not care about Hong Kong market. such as Ultra ...
I also feel upset about this as i becomes Excel hifi customer to buy siltech and crystal cables over 10 years.....HK side no longer have distributor office anymore. We can only go to the shops to try or buy the cables from now onwards

redcomet188 發表於 2019-10-2 15:05

patrick@wong 發表於 2019-10-2 13:52
I also feel upset about this as i becomes Excel hifi customer to buy siltech and crystal cables ove ...

yes,no more after sales service if your products got trouble.I have a very bad experience for my Ultrasone headphone before

wakakaka0679 發表於 2019-10-3 20:16

請問而家仲可以去邊到試? let’s go 話冇哂mmcx頭,又話岩岩轉代理{:1_247:}

patrick@wong 發表於 2019-10-3 21:13

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2019-10-3 21:19 編輯

wakakaka0679 發表於 2019-10-3 20:16
請問而家仲可以去邊到試? let’s go 話冇哂mmcx頭,又話岩岩轉代理
Let's go audio said they will be the main focal point for the crystal cable in HK, they will contact the distributor for any follow up.BTW, they don't have the cable with mmcx head? Let's go tell me just out of stock need to wait untill Nov

wakakaka0679 發表於 2019-10-3 22:17

patrick@wong 發表於 2019-10-3 21:13
Let's go audio said they will be the main focal point for the crystal cable in HK, they will contac ...

我今日去問有冇MMCX可以試,店員就同我講得返2 PIN,之後都係話11月會返貨
頁: 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 [178] 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
查看完整版本: 一個真正回歸Crystal Cable聲音隨身線材的故事

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