patrick@wong 發表於 2018-10-11 12:07

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-11 08:14
我见Let's go有十幾條dream duet放左上櫃, 心癢癢

That's nice{:6_139:}

choisan 發表於 2018-10-11 12:56

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-11 08:14
我见Let's go有十幾條dream duet放左上櫃, 心癢癢

wow, this duetis so nice, a lot of people will buy,......let's blow more
8 wires will be $25600, so 4 wires is good price, buy buy buy

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-11 13:30

Yesterday I saw one guy in Let's go took out HK$500 note x 26, Let's go gave him back HK$100 note x 2, and Dream Duet; the guy then took out AK SP1000m + Campire Atlas (with custom half-molding) to test the Dream Duet{:1_328:}

tleonard 發表於 2018-10-11 13:36

別超係咪價錢一樣?訂金)2-pin / 2.5mm (Jack Oyaide)$12800
2-pin / 3.5mm (Jack Oyaide)$12800
2-pin / 4.4mm (Pentaconn High Grade)$13400
MMCX / 2.5mm (Jack Oyaide)$12800
MMCX / 3.5mm (Jack Oyaide)$12800
MMCX / 4.4mm (Pentaconn High Grade)$13400

choisan 發表於 2018-10-11 13:43

awesome seeing people like this, but there are so many toys to choose from.
the bad thing of cable is, the wire at the termination end after the shrink wrap will tend to bend and eventually damaged, and once a new model is out, the old model is not much residual value, but it happens in all brands.
i tend to spend less on buying too many cables, especially this kind of very expensive 4 wires. enough is enough, never ending chasing and blowing.
good to see this thread is having more pages of than the dx200 in other forum, let's blow more and have fun.
wait for those who love to, buy buy

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-10-11 18:35

tleonard 發表於 2018-10-11 13:36
別超係咪價錢一樣?訂金) ...

Yes same price on both excel-hifi and Let's go audio

choisan 發表於 2018-10-11 19:34

all time 43% off {:6_125:}

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-10-11 21:37

choisan 發表於 2018-10-11 19:34
all time 43% off


Beano 發表於 2018-10-11 21:53

本帖最後由 Beano 於 2018-10-11 22:00 編輯

Having finally tried the Dream Deut today, I cannot agree more with the comments from Patrick CHing, this is definitely a cable that can bring out the potential of many totl iems, even when it is not at all run in, really looking forward to their performance afterwards.

But in my opinion, the details they gives are already sufficient, if increasing to 8wire, there may be way too much details making it extremely tiring to listen to in particular pairing with high transparency iem.

choisan 發表於 2018-10-11 22:19

so you ended up paying $12800?{:6_128:}
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