小瑟 發表於 2018-6-22 08:17

【開箱】Sony X700 4K UHD 藍光機開箱+短評

我HUGO第一次同大家來個開箱, 呢部入門價位的 Sony X700 4K藍光機係日本品牌的第二部抵玩之選, 食到 HDR之餘仲可以食埋 Dolby Vision, 可算係非常抵玩之選, 究竟本身已經有 PAN記UB400的HUGO又點睇呢部機呢???



ykluk 發表於 2018-6-22 10:48

HUGO真係好靚仔~!! {:6_157:}

小瑟 發表於 2018-6-22 11:09


G36 發表於 2018-6-22 12:11


civiclau 發表於 2018-6-22 12:54

新機返家已升級有DV ??

itkeith 發表於 2018-6-22 13:24


小小Pat 發表於 2018-6-22 13:44

請問play bdmv出唔出到DV?tks

HKFLY 發表於 2018-6-22 14:06

Copy from avsforum 5days ago

Hey guys if I switch to the Sony 700 player, would you consider that an upgrade or downgrade?

It's a huge downgrade.I have the X700 and I think it's a super entry level quality player. It's video quality does not compare to the X800 and especially the X1000es. What I notice about it playing regular Blu rays is sharpness and clarity. A way to describe it is look at a entry level LED tv then go check out a high end model. So example would be the Sony XBR850e vs XBRZ9D. The 850 has a nice picture until you compare it to the Z9D. You lose detail and clarity not to mention black levels etc. The X700 seems to have the same effect of a loss of detail and clarity like it has a cheap video processor of the most basic quality. The X800 is a very nice well built high quality for the money player I've seen in a long time. I got wrapped up in Dolby Vision and purchased the X700 as everyone knows it's super slim pickings to get a Dolby Vision player. I sadly have to say that I think that Dolby Vision on this player doesn't even look as good as the Xbox One X running HDR with the latest firmware. I much prefer watching my Dolby Vision movies in HDR on the Xbox over the X700. So I think the experience of Dolby Vision is getting lost on this player.I know this is a entry level player but don't be fooled to think it performs above it's cost, it does not. I think it performs exactly how this level of player should. The X800 on the other hand I feel excels at it's retail price point and you can get it well below that now.

HKFLY 發表於 2018-6-22 14:11

itkeith 發表於 2018-6-22 13:24
大王,其實想問吓呢部機如果齋睇碟唔聽SACD的話,相比例如203呢個價位嘅player相差有幾大? ...


Hugo Fok 發表於 2018-6-22 15:06

ykluk 發表於 2018-6-22 10:48

Andy 同 Steven D Lighting 打得好姐 {:6_122:}
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