kennyhong 發表於 2018-6-8 22:47

jaffeinism 發表於 2018-6-8 20:51
試下部alo rx, 最新個個版本


ip_csl 發表於 2018-6-8 23:11

在Minxx試UE時,有無同時試Legend X?

ip_csl 發表於 2018-6-8 23:15

edgarcpu 發表於 2018-6-8 21:05

One more thing you may need to consider is cable. UE is using some rare connector, there a ...

買條無耳掛的ㄧ般2 pin 0.75耳機線便可解決.

kennyhong 發表於 2018-6-8 23:47

ip_csl 發表於 2018-6-8 23:11
在Minxx試UE時,有無同時試Legend X?


edgarcpu 發表於 2018-6-9 08:01

ip_csl 發表於 2018-6-8 23:15
買條無耳掛的ㄧ般2 pin 0.75耳機線便可解決.


NEW UE does not use 2 pin

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-6-9 08:16

edgarcpu 發表於 2018-6-8 20:19

I haven't tried 240 so I cannot comment on it. But if you feel 240 do not have enough powe ...

Legend X is not difficult to drive especially after runin....i usually use it with AK240 for portable if i not use spk or wm1z

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-6-9 08:20

One of the concern I not order ue live is the ipx connector

ip_csl 發表於 2018-6-9 09:09

edgarcpu 發表於 2018-6-9 08:01

NEW UE does not use 2 pin

Oh ! I see, thanks.

kennyhong 發表於 2018-6-9 10:08

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-6-9 08:16
Legend X is not difficult to drive especially after runin....i usually use it with AK240 for porta ...

等個hifi show完左再試清楚先
話時話,empire ears會唔會在會場內有特價呢?

kennyhong 發表於 2018-6-9 10:10

情意結上我偏向ue, 我好怕一個雖牌出太多產品,尤其今日旗艦,明年已有新旗艦
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查看完整版本: UE 新旗艦Live意見

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