tleonard 發表於 2018-6-2 00:11

Abyss AB-1266 Phi CC

唔經唔覺又推出另一新版: has given their AB-1266 Phi Reference Headphone a new suit, made of, what they say is, “the hardest thin film coating on Earth”.A coloured polymer ceramic coating (CC) is factory applied and oven cured. This gives a two-tone luxury black finish and ABYSS say it also enhances the quality of sound by further improving upon the anti-resonant nature of its all aluminium components. It also allows for custom colour options.

ABYSS has also improved upon the ear pads in both appearance and function. The new pads are deeper and more comfortable, and are said to improve acoustics.The new pads will be standard issue with the new CC model, and will also be sold separately as an upgrade for any older model AB-1266.

Pricing for the new AB-1266 Phi CC is $4995 USD for the Lite version, $5995 USD for Deluxe, and $7995 USD for the Complete. Current Euro prices will remain the same.

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-6-2 00:16

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2018-6-2 00:25 編輯

Last year end have an upgrade program on Abyss 1266->phi->phi CC, this headphone is still a legend for me even i keep the old version for 5 years already

t1174 發表於 2018-6-2 01:22

Pricing for the new AB-1266 Phi CC is $4995 USD for the Lite version, $5995 USD for Deluxe, and $7995 USD for the Complete. Current Euro prices will remain the same

HKD 60000+.{:6_121:}{:6_121:}{:6_121:}{:6_125:}{:6_125:}{:6_125:}

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-6-2 08:40

t1174 發表於 2018-6-2 01:22
Pricing for the new AB-1266 Phi CC is $4995 USD for the Lite version, $5995 USD for Deluxe, and $799 ...

Yes quite expensive....but for the quality 已是沒有特別可挑剔嘅程度了

tleonard 發表於 2018-6-2 08:51

如果唔需要佢條升級耳機線/個袋/耳機架,慳咗嘅三千蚊美金可以用嚟買 Entreq Atlantis 耳機線加地線同埋地盒。



t1174 發表於 2018-6-2 15:20

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-6-2 08:40
Yes quite expensive....but for the quality 已是沒有特別可挑剔嘅程度了

1266 我只是試過好多次. 自己沒有. 多少貴是第一原因, 推動問題也是十分大問題. 自己沒有可以好好推動的AMP, 就是買新 AMP, 不只更貴, 比如VIVA845, WELL AUDIO 等, 其實也是有點配聲問題的.
但問我, 在不公平試聽下, 我好像比較喜歡舊1266 多過 PHI, 不知 PHI CC 是如何.

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-6-2 15:45

t1174 發表於 2018-6-2 15:20
1266 我只是試過好多次. 自己沒有. 多少貴是第一原因, 推動問題也是十分大問題. 自己沒有可以好好推動的A ...

Agree with that i also prefer old version more, hope can listen CC version later
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