Panasonic 75EX750 vs LG UH8550 vs LG 77EG9700 vs LG 77G6
本帖最後由 samuelho12 於 2018-5-22 22:41 編輯部65吋LG UC9700 用咗三年,又冇HDR, 決定upgrade去75吋4K HDR。由於小弟儲開碟,4K 同3D 都有好多,要搵部有3D 都好難。
1. Panasonic 75EX750 畫質幾好,不過主動式3D
2. LG UH8550 畫質會差少少,但係有dolby vision,被動式3D
3. LG 77EG9700 OLED 機, 有齊4K+3D, 但係冇HDR,好似差緊啲,有驚燒印,亦都貴萬幾
4. LG77G6 OLED,最貴,貴三萬幾,但係全齊,4K HDR 3D,只係驚燒印
大家會點選擇? alanadc23 發表於 2018-5-22 22:32
77g6 不用想 畫質上
驚唔驚燒印? Panasonic 75EX750 還有現貨嗎 ? alanadc23 發表於 2018-5-22 22:39
Oled 燒硬 但我見你 捨得買 就買最好
本帖最後由 wklie 於 2018-5-23 09:40 編輯
If you posted this in February, I'd told you to buy 75EX750H, but I think it's sold out for a long time already (along with 65").In fact I think most of your listed models can no longer be purchased.The EG9700 is a 2014 model.G6 and UH8550 are 2016 models.
Check out 75Z9D. 77G6 !!!
燒印 ? 幸好我部2年前的55EG9200及1年前的65E6仍未遇上 !!!
黑位、整體顏色的真實感及視角, oled絕對比led優越..., 只是價錢較貴 !!!
wklie 發表於 2018-5-23 09:02
If you posted this in February, I'd told you to buy 75EX750H, but I think it's sold out for a long t ...
75Z9D is around 75K. Even if I have the money, it will not be allowed for sure.
Thanks for the advice though. It's just too hard to buy a quality TV with all three features of 4K + HDR + 3D. I am really worried about the 'burning prints' problem of any OLED TV. 前幾曰在朋友屋企試65ex750...打機,睇戲(4K TF5),非常滿意,系統流暢,內置youtube亦支援HDR....最驚喜是睇3D阿凡達,效果非常好,絕對是重回在戲院睇3D阿凡達時候的感覺,係最後一部支援4K+HDR的3D電視.. (不過好多人唔睇3D 同好似賣哂。)