CXUHD 外掛字幕問題!
CXUHD 外掛字幕問題!麻煩請各位師兄幫幫手!插個USB字幕落去,插極都搵唔到,但插其他就冇問題!已跟足203咁set,都唔得! can you tell us the steps you done and let us check what's the problem is? 多毛肥 發表於 2018-4-15 01:31can you tell us the steps you done and let us check what's the problem is? 我就係跟住佢方法咁做! Try to format the USB to FAT32. beginners 發表於 2018-4-15 14:09
Try to format the USB to FAT32.
師兄試左,都係唔得! can you tell more details?
Don't know you"唔得!"means play disk or file,or from network
多毛肥 發表於 2018-4-15 15:36
can you tell more details?
Don't know you"唔得!"means play disk or file,or from network
播碟時,我去撰字幕,搵唔到個字幕file出嚟!部機已set左繁身體! 本帖最後由 多毛肥 於 2018-4-15 17:23 編輯
jwmc2707 發表於 2018-4-15 16:31
什麼字幕,srt or ass?是否用utf8
放一套片落usb再看CXUHD睇唔睇到條片,確認部機認唔認到你個USB,排除兼容問題 多毛肥 發表於 2018-4-15 16:36
什麼字幕,srt or ass?是否用utf8
放一套片落usb再看CXUHD睇唔睇到條片,確認部機認唔認到你個USB,排除兼 ...
部機認到個USB,淨係出唔到個字幕!我用srt,但係唔知係咪utf8? jwmc2707 發表於 2018-4-15 18:18
Do u have Google drive?
Put the file there and let me check the srt file