先峰AV 擴音機
我家部先峰前兩代旗艦 AV 擴音機已用上十年, 現有甚麼好選擇 我用緊sc-lx89,效果非常满意 有冇轉會需要?? Pionner Lx901或者Demon 8500H ching-it will be good as now or years to buy 'DENON 8500' if you willing to pay that much (i'm using now)-but it's very hot indeed should add a fan to cool down while on playing fm31331 發表於 2018-4-12 11:11Pionner Lx901或者Demon 8500H
2016 vs 2018... wklie 發表於 2018-4-12 11:41
2016 vs 2018...
兩部都係合併旗艦, 有乜問題?? 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2018-4-12 15:58 編輯
SonSon 發表於 2018-4-12 12:02
兩部都係合併旗艦, 有乜問題??
Since A/V standards are introduced every year, it's best to buy a new model, especially if one is spending flagship-level money.
Reportedly X8500H can be upgraded to HDMI 2.1 in the future, for a price. wklie 發表於 2018-4-12 15:50
Since A/V standards are introduced every year, it's best to buy a new model, especially if one is...
同意有新買新,同埋天龍啲update會好啲,咁耐的7200仲有得up DV, HLG ,換了P記隨時變孤兒仔{:1_333:}