Oppo 唔再出機啦
{:1_248:} oppo 唔再出機啦!It has been 14 years since we established OPPO Digital in the United States, and with the support of our customers, technical partners, and movie/music studios, we produced many award-winning Hi-Fi audio products and universal disc players, spanning three generations from DVD, Blu-ray, to 4K UHD.
As our latest 4K UHD players reach the pinnacle of their performance, it is time to say goodbye. We are proud to have made such well-regarded products and to have served the enthusiast community. Without our customers' suggestions, encouragement, and support, we could not have accomplished these achievements.
Though OPPO Digital will gradually stop manufacturing new products, existing products will continue to be supported, warranties will still be valid, and both in-warranty and out-of-warranty repair services will continue to be available. Firmware will continue to be maintained and updates released from time to time. Customers can rest assured that they will continue to receive the high quality service and support that they have come to expect from OPPO Digital.
We greatly appreciate the opportunity to have developed such exciting products for our customers. It has been an honor.
Best regards,
All of us at OPPO Digital
https://www.oppodigital.com/farewell.aspx How about Cambridge audio? https://post76.hk/thread-274435-1-1.html very sad news to me 公司嘅公告,主要系將停止新型號嘅藍光機產品研發。但目前現有嘅4K藍光機產品生產銷售依然保持唔變嘅。同時,原有產品仍然得到高質量嘅技術支持和相關嘅售後服務,產品固件也會持續保持定期嘅更新發布。