想問新力A1電視(DV),到底有冇頭緒,幾時會有下載? 我都想知! 上星期sent 過 email 問Sony HK, 回覆如下With regards to your concern, please note the firmware update, with support for "Dolby Vision" HDR functionality, is expected to be released before Summer 2018, at time of this email's preparation.
Our customer are advised to visit the following web channel link, for further availability information on the aforementioned firmware update.
http://www.sony-asia.com/electronics/support/televisions-projectors-oled-tvs-android-/kd-55a1 我已經半放棄狀態,有就當出雙糧,好小對Sony咁絕望! 當自己做左傻仔吧 如果 Sony 未能對現發放 DV , 可能違反商品說明條例,到時大家都係苦主。 咁貴買番嚟話無,真係揾笨 hoikei 發表於 2018-3-21 21:13
咁又唔喺話傻唔傻仔嘅,Z9D冇DV之下,4K HDR本身都好高質素的,如果日後搞得掂DV on HDMI咪當Bonus囉! Bonus ,咁又唔係咁講,本人就係見 A1 話有 DV ,齊哂功能,先决定買佢,價錢已經唔平,如果一早知道無 DV ,有其他牌子可以選擇。 就算俾你都可能係個半殘DV,又要player廠update fw去support....