Oppo 203 字幕,突然無左
星期五,用4k片,加字幕睇電影,無問題,今日再開,全部睇唔到字幕 係咪字幕校過上下位置? 位置是零,無變 試下 Factory Reset。 本帖最後由 Donny 於 2018-2-19 23:31 編輯I also have the same problem. It seems it is caused by the new firmware. ming2907 發表於 2018-1-28 12:00
There is a new public beta firmware update. Don't know if it will fix the trouble.
https://www.oppodigital.com/blu-ray-udp-203/UDP203-firmware-56-0124B.aspx 唔該 如果更新咗firmware先有字幕問題, 最好回復出廠或downgrade再黎過, 通常係update firmware過程出咗問題 SonSon 發表於 2018-2-22 13:40
如果更新咗firmware先有字幕問題, 最好回復出廠或downgrade再黎過, 通常係update firmware過程出咗問題 ...
Dear SonSon,
Thank you for your advice.
However, how can the firmware be downgraded?It will work by manually downloading the previous firmware and update the OPPO UDP and then update it again with the latest firmware.