Gentleho 發表於 2018-1-22 13:25

英皇 Reissue 平裝系列,容祖兒2009演唱會CD一問

各位師兄大神,小弟見近幾日剛剛出版了英皇reissue 平裝版,即係入了Joey2009演唱會雙CD,即入。但是播放碟二時,由"痛愛"開始,到之後幾首,全部都出現嚴重跳線問題,嚇得我以為係部player 出事,睇番隻碟一D花痕都冇,想知有沒有其他師兄遇到我相同情況?如果係咁,可以找唱片公司投訴嗎?thanks

percyyip 發表於 2018-1-22 14:04


Gentleho 發表於 2018-1-22 14:08

percyyip 發表於 2018-1-22 14:04
用第二部機試下播先,如果都跳線即係隻碟有問題,拿去買的唱片店換個隻試下,又或者退錢 ...

I will try, but I just bought from the small shops....dunno whether they are willing to get back my money if there are no scratches...

ant9284 發表於 2018-1-22 14:41

Gentleho 發表於 2018-1-22 14:08
I will try, but I just bought from the small shops....dunno whether they are willing to get back m ...

It doesn't matter if it's a small shop, they can exchange it at the record label's expense.

Ask the small shop to play the disc in their CD player

lamwaikit007 發表於 2018-1-22 15:02


Gentleho 發表於 2018-1-22 17:16

Thanks c hing's replies and advice, I am just worried that if even exchange the disc but still have the same should I do je..

ant9284 發表於 2018-1-22 17:21

Gentleho 發表於 2018-1-22 17:16
Thanks c hing's replies and advice, I am just worried that if even exchange the disc but still have...

then contact EEG directly

yukiseto 發表於 2018-1-22 19:49


Will 發表於 2018-1-23 00:52

好似次次容祖兒出演唱會live CD都出事
我試過買隻容祖兒live AQCD, 又唔係跳線嘅
只係覺得隻碟錄音得單聲道咁, 唔立體之餘仲每條track之間有半秒停頓位

Gentleho 發表於 2018-1-23 19:08

yukiseto 發表於 2018-1-22 19:49

hi ching, then how do you do? did you contact EEG?
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