攪咗幾日終於叫做有聲聽吓,但隻十仔硬係唔掂,各位師兄有冇好介紹入門級十仔? FOR 百零尺地方{:1_253:} 二手區有師兄放緊隻十隻,可以考慮下啦! boxing day 有禮物折,真開心!{:6_178:} manfish Hing,Will your windows vibrating like hell when strong signal are coming out from the surround speakers, since you put one of them on the window's frame!! manfish Hing,
Will your windows vibrating like hell when strong signal are coming out from the surround speakers, since you put one of them on the window's frame!!
chanwt 發表於 2009-12-26 20:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
初時都有擔心呢個問題,但暫時發現又OK喎! Congratulations for new Amp. {:6_195:}
Velodyne Impact 10" subwoofer.Around $3000.Good resale value if you want to upgrade soon!{:6_177:}
攪咗幾日終於叫做有聲聽吓,但隻十仔硬係唔掂,各位師兄有冇好介紹入門級十仔? FOR 百零尺地方{:1_253:}
manfish 發表於 2009-12-26 19:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif Congratulations for new Amp. {:6_195:}
Velodyne Impact 10" subwoofer.Around $3000.Good resale value if you want to upgrade soon!{:6_177:}
hkbomberman 發表於 2009-12-26 22:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thanks Mongkok...12" should cost you below $4000.
I think 10" is very good enough because my space is around 150 sq. feet too.I used this one before and then upgraded to another one after 10 months.
A good subwoofer is very important in AV enjoyment.You will want to upgrade very soon.Start with 10" entry level subwoofer at lower cost first.Then find the right style/performance you like and spend more for your next subwoofer.
manfish 發表於 2009-12-26 22:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 部AMP上面最好唔好放器材係到好喎!{:6_207:}你仲放部機頂盒添!{:6_187:}屎得呀!搬走佢啦!{:6_194:} 唔該曬咁多位
咁我真係要出去試試10" 既威力先....