小瑟 發表於 2018-1-17 18:04

難得的親民真無線耳機 - Sony WF-1000X Earbuds開箱

上月底開售的 WF-1000X 是 Sony 首款「真無線」耳機。耳機焦點除了是搭載多項品牌自行研發的獨家降噪及聲校技術外,開售價 HKD $1,790 都係最大賣點之一,小瑟大王就為大家來個開箱啦。



daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 10:21


小瑟 發表於 2018-1-18 11:51

daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 10:21
http://www. ...

我用IP6去做連線聽歌, 又唔覺連線比其他耳機差呀, 另外 wf-sp700n 同 1000x唔同呀, 佢主打運動, 有ipx4防水, 有二個根本性的分別呢!!!!

daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 13:09

本帖最後由 daizyoubu 於 2018-1-18 13:11 編輯

this is just some improvements on the top of the old model...

nanaholic 發表於 2018-1-18 13:14

本帖最後由 nanaholic 於 2018-1-18 13:16 編輯

其實睇model number都知道WF-sp700n係低一班(1000>700)同埋定向唔同(sp = sport), 點解會有人覺得700已經係1000X嘅後續機?

daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 18:15

nanaholic 發表於 2018-1-18 13:14
其實睇model number都知道WF-sp700n係低一班(1000>700)同埋定向唔同(sp = sport), 點解會有人覺得700已經係 ...

good questions.
my point of views are that retail US price are the same, spec is basically the same, design is more or less the same, a bit improvements in term of water resistance, signal and outlook...
if you google two models and ces, you’ll probably see that there are lots of comparison between these.

nanaholic 發表於 2018-1-18 18:46

本帖最後由 nanaholic 於 2018-1-18 18:47 編輯

daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 18:15
good questions.
my point of views are that retail US price are the same, spec is basically the sa ...

Which preciously means they are parallel models selling to different markets with one being a waterproof sporty model while the other is a more luxury looking business model and thus one is not a successor to the other.
Seems like you've knocked over your own argument?

hiyori 發表於 2018-1-18 19:18

daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 18:15
good questions.
my point of views are that retail US price are the same, spec is basically the sa ...


daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 19:36

nanaholic 發表於 2018-1-18 18:46
Which preciously means they are parallel models selling to different markets with one being a wate ...

well, personally, i tried 1000x and it wasn’t useable at all. so, i guess these are definitely two models{:1_332:}

SonSon 發表於 2018-1-19 10:31

daizyoubu 發表於 2018-1-18 10:21
http://www. ...

700n 橫睇掂睇都冇可能係1000X後繼機啦.................
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