MagicTV 有冇人升級完冇聲?
岩岩隻 9000 升左 12.27 .. 一向都開 bitstream 冇問題。升完 bitstream YouTube 同 ViuTV (基本上所有 app)都冇聲.
熄左 bitstream 行PCM ... 電視都冇埋聲.
真係垃圾級 firmware ..... 有無同magic tv反映?
我無升級原因係怕升咗無得錄影Viu Tv或神奇電視台! 我就每次開機就得右上角細晝面 尼隻9000當你設定左4k之後,好快就自動跌番落1080i,吾信你地就試下,得閒或開机時查下個設定{:1_330:} Tested OK.Try to standby the Magic TV, then power cycle everything (including TV and amp), and reconnect the HDMI cable. wklie 發表於 2018-1-15 10:51
Tested OK.Try to standby the Magic TV, then power cycle everything (including TV and amp), and rec ...
試下先 .... 真係救命 .... 搵左佢地,話直駁電視冇問題.
咁我問其實點解 舊 firmware 冇事。sure 係答唔到啦,而家諗緊點俾番個舊 firmware 我 ...... 400Mb 佢話好大 send 唔到喎 ....
My magic tv 7000 broke down recently, after hearing C hing's comment, I decided not to buy a new one. Just feed the now tv and cable tv directly to tv. 有, 也一樣冇聲..... Magic TV 同手機一樣
過在保養,無必要就吾好up 個firmware