Hugo Fok 發表於 2018-1-9 10:39

【CES 2018】Sony 發佈全新 4K OLED Android 電視 A8F 系列

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Sony 剛於今年的 「消費電子展 2018」中宣布將為 OLED 電視加入最新 A8F 系列。至於同時會加入LED 大家庭的還有全新 X900F。雖款新電視上市日期及實際售價尚未有定案,但 Sony 代表已表示 A8F OLED 將會強化品牌高端產品的陣容同時,LED X900 系列亦可關顧到一般用家的需要和普及。

AskaLung@FB 發表於 2018-1-9 11:21


小瑟 發表於 2018-1-9 11:41


tomcat-alley 發表於 2018-1-9 11:55

A8F upgrade 咗音效,有3.1 channel

johnlau 發表於 2018-1-9 12:21


marco 發表於 2018-1-9 14:33

johnlau 發表於 2018-1-9 12:21


Mingminghung 發表於 2018-1-9 15:19

買電視音效從來非我考慮之原因,加條sound bar和低音一定赢電視聲音九條街,之前外國雜誌話18年新機佢地會繼續用LG面板,即係冇咩突破。而家正值A1劈價中,我唔洗等A8系列了,會即刻去買A1.

MingSir 發表於 2018-1-10 01:55


Now, for CES 2018, Sony is delivering even better, more developed versions of these same core features with its latest television models, and adding Google Voice Assistant to them, much like LG will be doing for its 2018 releases as well.

Starting things off, we have the 2018 Sony OLED lineup, which consists of the replacement to last years A1E. The 2018 model has been dubbed the A8F and will include full, probably brighter-than-ever OLED display technology while also having an updated, enhanced version of the audio system that let the 2017 A1E broadcast sound directly from the TV screen itself. The new OLED model even has a similar design to last year’s model. This will furthermore once again be a full HDR TV with support for HDR10, Dolby Vision, and possibly with support for HDR10+ if it takes off as expected. We can also probably look forward to a similar release price tag as that of the 2017 model, with the 55 inch edition going for around $5000 and the 65 inch model starting off at $6500. The 2017 A1E sold at these prices when released in early 2017 and finished off last year retailing for about $3000 to $4000 for the 55 inch and 65 inch editions respectively.

michael123 發表於 2018-1-10 11:16

睇SPEC A8F同A1無咩分別,A8F只係聲效升級左


SonSon 發表於 2018-1-10 11:35

Mingminghung 發表於 2018-1-9 15:19
買電視音效從來非我考慮之原因,加條sound bar和低音一定赢電視聲音九條街,之前外國雜誌話18年新機佢地會 ...

講梗係咁講, 但2018秋先推出, 要買既都唔會特登等A8F, 唔打算買既, 鬼知下半年又有乜新產品, AV世界半年已係好漫長.............
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