tamsaiming2003 發表於 2018-1-5 20:30

Cayin N5ii (配KZ ZS6, TFZ King Pro及Sony MDR-Z1R)

本帖最後由 tamsaiming2003 於 2018-1-5 21:47 編輯

I listen to music with LG v20 with KZ ZS6 for a while. I am contented with the combo, esp. when I try how the ZX300/Fiio X5iii sounds. And I don't have a large budget on DAP. So I stick to. LG v20. Sometimes, I may link LG v20 to Chord Mojo. But my mojo is not functionning well now. Anyway.

Things get unchanged until I listen to Cayin N5ii. Holy! The slightly warm sound signature with wide soundstage, despite bad reputated ES9018k2m. Cayin proofs how to make best use of it. The sound is a bit forward heading, making it a good DAP for vocals.

But don't misunderstand me, the resolution is awesome. So, when I listen to classicial, the details are there.

Features: with Play Store, 3.5mm line-out, usb dac, usb mini coaxial out (to mojo) and usb coaxial out .ect. Nearly bugless with a user-friendly interface.

With KZ ZS6 (around HKD 300): the treble GLITCHING is nearly gone! The bass is tight. The mid is good. Soundstage is quite wide. But

With TFZ King Pro(below hkd1500) (run-in time: 12 hours{:1_352:}): the treble is sweet!!!! The better mid comes with better clarity and soundstage (than KZ ZS6). The bass, however, is a dramatic upgrade from KZ ZS6. It is punchy, but not blommy. The replay gain is set to high because of 55 ohms. Btw, I receive a free gift-watch from TFZ as a present.

Both earphones use 天華7nocc (under hkd400)

Then, the flagship MDR-Z1R, like TFZ King Pro, the replay gain is set to high. The ohms is 64 with this cans. I tell you, folk, it makes everything more musicial. I know the comparisons are not fair. But Cayin N5ii can drive this cans well, imho!!!!

May update when I run-in the machine and cans more

P.S. I did try more expensive cans with price below $4000 from Sony, AK, Westone. None can beat my KZ ZS6 {:1_333:}

rayvicky 發表於 2018-1-5 22:13

Good choice, best buy DAP under 3K {:1_351:}

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2018-1-5 22:49

rayvicky 發表於 2018-1-5 22:13
Good choice, best buy DAP under 3K

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查看完整版本: Cayin N5ii (配KZ ZS6, TFZ King Pro及Sony MDR-Z1R)

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