chhanthony 發表於 2018-1-5 10:19

LG HU80KA 4K/UHD Projector at CES 2018

LG HU80KA 4K/UHD Projector at CES 2018by Scott Wilkinson on January 5, 2018SHARE
COMMENTS (1) you think of LG, you probably think of OLED and LCD TVs, but the company has dabbled in projectors for quite a few years as well. At CES 2018, its latest offering in this product category is the LG HU80KA 4K/UHD projector.The projector’s imaging system is based on Texas Instruments’ 4K/UHD DLP technology, in which the chip has a native pixel array of 2716×1528 (4.15 million pixels). Each pixel is quickly wiggled back and forth diagonally between two positions to achieve an effective resolution of 3840×2160 (8.3 million pixels), a process TI calls XPR (eXpanded Pixel Resolution).The laser-phosphor light engine is spec’d to output 2500 lumens and fill a 150″ screen. Even better, the projector supports HDR10 high dynamic range.The LG HU80KA utilizes a unique enclosure—a standalone, upright rectangular box with a mirror in the lid that reflects the upfiring image toward the screen. It can be mounted on the floor, wall, or ceiling, and its relatively small size, light weight, and convenient carrying handle let you easily move it wherever you want. The mirror lid can be closed to protect the lens from dust when it’s stored away.Unlike many home-theater projectors, the LG HU80KA provides smart-TV functionality—specifically, LG’s webOS 3.5 with many streaming apps. It also offers HDMI, USB, and Ethernet connections as well as Bluetooth support for external devices such as a keyboard and mouse. In addition, external speakers or a soundbar can be connected via the optical digital-audio output, HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel), or Bluetooth. Two 7W speakers provide sound if you don’t have an outboard sound system handy.According to Tim Alessi, head of product marketing at LG Electronics USA, “LG’s first-ever 4K UHD projector represents the pinnacle of innovation in the portableentertainment market. Offering superb brightness coupled with a design that offers true versatility, the new HU80KA will lead the way in changing how consumers enjoy 4K content in their home and on the go.”As expected, pricing and availability have not yet been revealed. I think this is a very interesting product announcement, and I look forward to checking it out at CES 2018.

alanadc23 發表於 2018-1-5 11:37

xianglan 發表於 2018-1-5 13:05


ctmctm2012 發表於 2018-1-5 14:26


orochicy 發表於 2018-1-5 16:54

LG 出嘅投影竟然冇DV,真係好奇怪啵~ {:1_338:}

G36 發表於 2018-1-5 22:07

orochicy 發表於 2018-1-5 16:54
LG 出嘅投影竟然冇DV,真係好奇怪啵~


vincent369 發表於 2018-1-6 11:19

orochicy 發表於 2018-1-5 16:54
LG 出嘅投影竟然冇DV,真係好奇怪啵~


orochicy 發表於 2018-1-6 17:48

以LG 同Dolby嘅關係,冇對應DV真係好奇怪喔
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