想對Audyssey EQ有更深入了解
請問有無C-Hing對Audyssey EQ有研究, 本身唔係好明個Dynamic EQ有什麼作用! 問完技術支援後更加混亂...Audyssey MultEQ® XT:
Menu: "MultEQ® XT compensates for both time and frequency characteristics of the listening area based on Audyssey® Setup measurement results. Selection is done from three types of compensation curves. We recommend the “Reference” setting."
技術支援: 係做Audyssey之前部AMP內置的EQ
Dynamic EQ:
Menu: "Solves the problem of deteriorating sound quality as volume is decreased by taking into account human perception and room acoustics.Works with MultEQ® XT."
技術支援: 係做完Audyssey之後base on MultEQ去改的EQ
睇Menu 好似MultEQ係做完Audyssey之後ge野, 唔係技術支援所指的內置EQ...而Dynamic EQ係另外一樣野, 好似係low volume時的一些補償! 感覺上ON左Dynamic EQ, 低頻係多左!
個人意見,dynamic eq 通常深夜睇戲用,防止低频穿牆而出,但小弟用後覺得音場怪怪地,不夠開揚,師兄講得無錯低频是多咗5db{:1_332:}{:1_332:} 另外audyssey multeq xt ,我起初都用reference 後期轉用flat 音場擴濶咗聽嘢又多咗,師兄可用starwar battle front 作AB比較{:8_390:}{:8_390:} THX C-Hing! 感覺上Flat聲底係厚小小而Reference係動態多小小! 支術技援話Reference係for睇戲而Flat係for聽歌.
不過支術支援有時都係一知半解...分分鐘依度D C-Hing仲pro過佢....{:6_136:} patrickcw 發表於 2018-1-1 11:29
THX C-Hing! 感覺上Flat聲底係厚小小而Reference係動態多小小! 支術技援話Reference係for睇戲而Flat係for聽 ...
時間用起欣賞軟件吧 本帖最後由 patrickcw 於 2018-1-2 14:23 編輯
billy3310 發表於 2018-1-1 21:53
就係要摸摸下先有feel{:6_143:} http://www.avsforum.com/forum/90-receivers-amps-processors/2376770-official-audyssey-thread-part-ii.html
The Audyssey Reference/Movie target curve is designed to translate film mixing room conditions to the home listening room. This curve is flat to 4 kHz, has a slight roll-off from 4kHz - 10 kHz (-2dB @ 10 kHz), and another additional roll-off from 10 kHz - 20 kHz (-6dB @ 20 kHz). This curve should be used for listening to movies in most cases. Note that this curve enables Audyssey's 'Mid Range Compensation' (MRC) which is a deliberate dip introduced in the frequency response at around 2kHz. For information on MRC see FAQ answer a)18.
The Audyssey Flat/Music target curve has no roll-off. This curve should be used for movies if you are seated in the near field, if your room has a lot of high frequency absorption due to acoustic treatments, if your room is very small or highly treated or if you are using THX Re-EQ (which introduces its own roll-off). Note that this curve, on current AVRs, does NOT enable Audyssey's 'Mid Range Compensation' (MRC).
Audyssey research has found that listeners in most home environments are seated in the reverberant field. The mixing of most films (in post-production studios) is completed with the recording engineer seated in the near field. As a result, it is usually beneficial to use a high frequency roll-off (Audyssey Reference/Movie curve) to tame brightness. However, if you have an acoustically treated room and/or are seated relatively close to the front speakers, you may be located in the near field. Therefore, it may prove beneficial to try listening without a roll-off (Audyssey Flat/Music curve) to see if there is an improvement in sound quality.
Thx for the valuable information! My primary concern is for the purpose of Dynamic EQ, when it is ON, no tone can be adjusted... you don't need to understand dynamic EQ, just TURN IT OFF!!!! 唔知呢個PO幫唔幫到你, 威廉SIR好有心機整出來比大家了解更多的!!!{:6_127:}
AV 擴音機自家調聲設定秘訣分享 (三) - 調聲實戰技巧
MultEQ XT32 --- >>> Flat :