pbtour4il 發表於 2018-1-13 09:13

美版 Street Date: 27 Feb, 2018

Walt Disney Studio and Pixar have announced the Blu-ray Combo Pack (BD/DVD/Digital HD), 4K UltraHD Combo Pack (4K UHD/BD/Digital HD), and DVD releases of Lee Unkrich and Adrian Molina'sCoco.

Blu-ray extras will include:
• Deleted Scenes with Introductions - Director Lee Unkrich and co-director Adrian Molina talk about the deleted scenes and the part they played in the development ofCoco.
•Día de los Muertos - In this musical extravaganza, the colors and excitement of Día de los Muertos come to life as we meet superstar Ernesto de la Cruz.
•The Way of the Riveras - A musical number in which Abuelita and Miguel prepare their Día de los Muertos celebration while she teaches him Rivera family history and traditions.
•Celebrity Tour - Héctor, a Land of the Dead tour bus guide, agrees to help Miguel, revealed to be a living boy, on his quest to find de la Cruz.
•The Bus Escape - The Rivera family catches up to Miguel and Héctor and attempts to halt their mission to find de la Cruz.
•Alebrije Attack - Miguel and Héctor are interrupted on their journey to find de la Cruz by a fierce alebrije.
•The Family Fix - After de la Cruz reveals his true colors, the Rivera family puts their dismay aside and comes together to repair the smashed guitar needed to send Miguel home.
•To the Bridge - As the Land of the Dead counts down to the end of Día de los Muertos, Miguel and de la Cruz come head-to-head on the marigold bridge.
• Filmmaker Commentary – Presented by Lee Unkrich (director), Adrian Molina (co-director) and Darla K. Anderson (producer).
•The Music of Coco - Collaborating with musicians of Mexico and some unique instrumentation, this documentary explores the beautiful fusion of music essential to the story ofCoco.
•Paths to Pixar: Coco - Explore how the film crew’s personal stories resonate with the themes of the movie itself.
•Welcome to the Fiesta - A musical exploration of the skeletons that make the Land of the Dead inCoco so wondrous and intriguing.
•How to Draw a Skeleton - Pixar artist Daniel Arriaga gives a lesson on the quick and easy way to draw skeletons using simple shapes.
•A Thousand Pictures a Day - Join theCoco crew on an immersive travelogue through Mexico, visiting families, artisans, cemeteries, and small villages during the Día de los Muertos holiday.
•Mi Familia - Developing the Riveras was a labor of love that took the cast and crew on a deep dive into the meaning of family.
•Land of Our Ancestors – Watch Pixar artists lovingly construct layer upon layer of architecture from many eras of Mexican history, bringing the Land of the Dead to life.
•Fashion Through the Ages – The cast of characters inCoco are from many different eras, making for some magnificent costuming opportunities.
•The Real Guitar – The majestic guitar that spurs Miguel on his journey through the Land of the Dead is a unique creation. Watch as it is initially designed by a Pixar artist and ultimately realized as a real instrument by a master luthier in this poetic ode to craftsmanship.
•Dante - How the crew fell in love with the uniquely Mexican breed of Xoloitzcuintli (or “Xolo”) dogs that inspired Dante.
•How to Make Papel Picado - Join Pixar artist Ana Ramírez González as we learn how papel picado is made traditionally, and then try your own approach to this beautiful art form.
•Un Poco Coco - A montage of original animated pieces used to promoteCoco.
•Coco Trailers - Trailers include “Feeling,” “Dante’s Lunch,” “Destiny,” “Journey” and “Belong.”

DVD extras will include:
• Filmmaker Commentary

sorry 發表於 2018-1-20 18:24

係戲院睇左廣東話版, 即刻諗唔洗等港版, 無廣東話都無所謂.

Jamie718 發表於 2018-1-28 19:18

港版 Street Date:27 Feb,2018(No 4K)

Jamie718 發表於 2018-1-28 19:19

港版 Street Date:27 Feb,2018

Hugo Fok 發表於 2018-1-29 13:39

港版無 4K {:6_136:}

alanadc23 發表於 2018-1-29 19:28

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-2-7 09:26

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2018-2-7 09:28 編輯

台版 Street Date: 9 Mar, 2018

1. 3D+2D 鐵盒:

2. 3D+2D:


2D: 英語 DTS HD MA 7.1、英語 DTS-HD HR 5.1、英 杜比 2.0 & 葡、粵、韓、泰、國語 杜比 5.1
3D: 英語 DTS HD MA 7.1、英語 DTS-HD HR 5.1、英 杜比 2.0 & 葡、粵、韓、國語 杜比 5.1

2D: 英、葡、粵、韓、簡體中文、泰、繁體中文
3D: 英、葡、粵、韓、簡體中文、繁體中文

2D: 英語 DTS HD MA 7.1、英語 DTS-HD HR 5.1、英 杜比 2.0 & 葡、粵、韓、泰、國語 杜比 5.1
3D: 英語 DTS HD MA 7.1、英語 DTS-HD HR 5.1、英 杜比 2.0 & 葡、粵、韓、國語 杜比 5.1

(英文配音) 安東尼岡薩雷斯, 蓋爾賈西亞貝納
(中文配音) 海特-蕭敬騰

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-2-20 12:55

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2018-2-20 16:43 編輯

港版 (3D+2D) Street Date: 27 Feb, 2018

玩轉極樂園 (3D+2D藍光碟) 2-Disc
1080p High Definition
Widescreen 2.39 : 1
DTS-HD MA 7.1, Dolby Digital 5.1
字幕:中文繁體, 簡體, 英文、韓文、葡萄牙文 字幕 選擇

2D Only:

bonbonman 發表於 2018-2-20 15:27


Jamie718 發表於 2018-2-20 17:14

bonbonman 發表於 2018-2-20 15:27

頁: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7
查看完整版本: Coco【玩轉極樂園】BD

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