DYSON DC62 終於壞左, 依家最平有咩好介紹??(更新#12)
更新 2020年07月11日 : 死了電{:12_755:}https://post76.hk/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=269903&pid=4780919&fromuid=4同DC62一樣LEVEL就可以了, 邊度買最平???? 我部又壞壞地,叉左電吸一陣就停,但又唔係無電。 wil-wil 發表於 2017-12-23 23:07
Ching good morning I'm the same problem already went to repaired not replied yet(said may be the battery don't work after 1.5-2 year)$250 for check up if any parts need changed $250 will deduct as changed of parts) Ching-sir good morning better buy new model c72 or c82 it runs the double time then old model c62 ( 20 minutes ) newer model runs( 40 minutes) also the new model can loaded down the inner part to clean up wil-wil 發表於 2017-12-23 23:07
我之前都有, 二三日之後就依家差極都差唔到了!!!! xianglan 發表於 2017-12-24 09:22
Ching-sir good morning better buy new model c72 or c82 it runs the double time then old model c62 (...
但7同8字貴好多, 呢D野日日用, 我覺得6系都夠做了!!! wil-wil 發表於 2017-12-23 23:07
去淘寶買舊副廠電 小瑟 發表於 2017-12-24 10:46
但7同8字貴好多, 呢D野日日用, 我覺得6系都夠做了!!!
Ching -sir you go to repair if changed of new battery HK$ 900 has to pay for. 小瑟 發表於 2017-12-24 10:46
但7同8字貴好多, 呢D野日日用, 我覺得6系都夠做了!!!
之前見過V6 absolute買$26xx 小瑟 發表於 2017-12-24 10:45
我之前都有, 二三日之後就依家差極都差唔到了!!!!