jaffeinism 發表於 2018-4-22 16:27

choisan 發表於 2018-4-22 11:19
but zen8 will turn green

吾用KEEP 防潮箱== 常識


choisan 發表於 2018-4-22 17:47

the guy told me he is using the zen8 every day, ..............
next time i will tell him it is common sense to keep in the dry cabinet.

according to what i asked OC and Han Sounds, copper will turn green, it's just the matter of how the bare copper is being protected by the plastic insulator.

jaffeinism 發表於 2018-4-22 18:18

條線吾係完全密封 ...


我有條ALO C22, 吾用係放防潮箱, SOFAR兩年後都係無變綠==

ml55 發表於 2018-4-22 20:47

本帖最後由 ml55 於 2018-4-22 13:52 編輯


gundamkc 發表於 2018-4-23 07:07

OC 有條mk5.5,聲稱Litz 結構無咁易氧化。

choisan 發表於 2018-4-23 07:47

The ZEN cable is Han Sound Audio's first cable in their refreshed series of cable products, and is made of single crystal copper in OCC multi-strand LITZ configuration, with DuPont Kevlar 200 wire core for maximum strength without detrimental effects to flexibility and insulated in UV resistant ultra-soft PVC. {:6_136:}
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查看完整版本: 終於忍唔住,一套信仰,Sony

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