有事想請教已購入英版Panasonic DMP-UB900嘅師兄
請問呢部機係咪play到3區DVD同A區Blu-ray,唔該哂! 本帖最後由 shrek-01 於 2017-12-11 22:02 編輯DVD就冇試
Blu Ray近幾年新的都冇問題(但如果是香港出品D碟就.......唔係隻隻得) UK 係B區喎 停 play 碟畫面按1 可轉區 多謝哂一眾師兄幫忙。 本帖最後由 mc27588 於 2017-12-11 17:25 編輯
Sywleung 發表於 2017-12-11 16:21
停 play 碟畫面按1 可轉區
師兄如何轉區(藍光)求教{:6_136:} 如果play到香港d碟,呢部嘢真係換機首選!
Copy from alvin c hing
All you need to do is load up the disc. When the message pops up that says the disc will only play in a Region B or C player pops up, press "stop" on the remote control. Then press "1" on the remote, followed by "enter." This will bypass the message and load up the disc to play normally.