clarkwan 發表於 2009-12-21 20:37

OPPO SE blue-ray player question?

各位大哥..小第想去訂 oppo 既 bdp-83...但係就唔知佢既special edition.既audio ouput 點駁.
我屋企有 av receiver. 係唔係駁去receiver 再去speaker 定係直出speaker呢.
佢地美國既website 可以定..不過送貨要成百幾元美金
analoge 出係唔係好聲d呢

AntonioII 發表於 2009-12-22 17:40

各位大哥..小第想去訂 oppo 既 bdp-83...但係就唔知佢既special edition.既audio ouput 點駁.
我屋企有 av receiver. 係唔係駁去receiver 再去speaker  ...
clarkwan 發表於 2009-12-21 20:37
please try......and tell us the result.....{:1_262:}

intex 發表於 2009-12-24 19:20

現引述某台的會員初步分析OPPO83 SE UPGRADE (煲機5小時後)
Here is my initial impression on the Oppo-83SE. After burning-in the 83SE for 5 hours, I put a CD in to figure out how it sounds. I find out that 83SE has an improvement on every aspect when comparing to the original 83. The first thing that appeals to me is the vocal. The Vocal used to sound like a robot with original 83, but now the SE sounds warmer and smoother, and more human-like. Second, there are more details with the new SE. These details make the sound of the instruments more distinctive. Now, I can clearly hear each note from the background instruments, and with the air around them. These improvements of the detail also help to bring out the texture of the instruments and vocals. As a result, the SE sounds more life-like than the original 83. In addition, the soundstage has been improved. It sounds more 3D. While the width of the soundstage is only a little wider, the depth is so much deeper.

Overall, I like the sound of the SE. Its musical presentation is more coherence without loss detail and focus. However, the treble sounds a little fragile now if I turn up the volume. I think it will be improved after it totally burned-in.

After listening to the CD, I decided to put in a DVD to test its video (even thought I did not think there was improvement on the video). Surprisingly, the video has been improved, too. The picture is clearer, and seems to be brighter. The DVD looks much more like blu-ray than before. With the addition video improvements, I think this is the best money spending I have ever made (I’ll write another review after the SE fully burn-in).

AntonioII 發表於 2010-1-3 21:03

團購 Oppo-83SE!!!!!

AntonioII 發表於 2010-1-15 10:01

you can get the unit from this website

clarkwan 發表於 2010-1-15 10:22

我知..都係剛剛先出...不過個 se版係audio upgrade..都係多個audio chipset..貴成倍
用佢做cd player 唔知ok 唔ok?

Raphael 發表於 2010-1-15 10:27


clarkwan 發表於 2010-1-15 19:22

佢係美國design 家..部機同cambridge audio 係同一個oem 家.....
而家呢個se 板既audio 都係外國design..雖然中國做..但係其他牌子既機..一萬樓下都係中國做家啦
有時d野睇功能啦...外國d hi fi,,,,buy ray review 都話佢平

mstephen 發表於 2010-1-17 22:42

Raphael 發表於 2010-1-15 10:27

點解個個都話佢係大陸牌子機..... 大陸果個係代理....

你會唔會因為信興代理 Panasonic, 而話佢係香港機.....

alzard 發表於 2010-1-17 22:45

點解個個都話佢係大陸牌子機..... 大陸果個係代理....

你會唔會因為信興代理 Panasonic, 而話佢係香港機.....
mstephen 發表於 2010-1-17 22:42

問呢個問題前﹐你可以上google search下先。。。。。
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