charliey 發表於 2017-11-16 00:36

Onkyo dp-s1 + tidal

今晚剛入手dp-s1,update 咗firmware,join埋tidal premium plan,急不及待实現以最平方法玩CAS... 3.5mm lineout 出rca 駁去大amp... 果然無失望!正!
明早先post 相...

charliey 發表於 2017-11-16 10:53

本帖最後由 charliey 於 2017-11-16 11:30 編輯

new photo

小瑟 發表於 2017-11-16 11:48


tony5229 發表於 2017-11-16 14:59

Can you pls confirm if you can stream Tidal masters MQA?

charliey 發表於 2017-11-16 15:10

本帖最後由 charliey 於 2017-11-16 15:34 編輯

tony5229 發表於 2017-11-16 14:59
Can you pls confirm if you can stream Tidal masters MQA?
yes!!!due to the small size of DP-S1 player, i do all the searches of Tidal in PC and then choose all those artists and MQA files as my favor.then i can pick my favor artists and MQA playlists in the DAP.when playing MQA files in the DAP by streaming with wifi on, the screen actually shows MQA and then file details.


tony5229 發表於 2017-11-16 16:26

Thanks! that is great! i think this and pioneer are the only DAP now which can do Tidal MQA.
Even DPX1/1A and XDP300R cannot.
Too bad i have japan version no tidal. maybe will buy a local version...

charliey 發表於 2017-11-18 19:22

2.5mm 头出真係正好多

yeungchris 發表於 2017-11-20 10:08

用緊日水的表示找不到 tidal

samuel2046 發表於 2017-11-20 17:00

Dp-S1是否update 最新firmware就可以用Tidal?不分什麼版. Thx

yeungchris 發表於 2017-11-20 18:41

samuel2046 發表於 2017-11-20 17:00
Dp-S1是否update 最新firmware就可以用Tidal?不分什麼版. Thx

打過電話去 香港代理 , 日版沒有的,但有 e-onkyo 可惜只可在日本本土使用
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