jkchow 發表於 2017-11-27 09:52

samuelt 發表於 2017-11-27 09:19
謝謝師兄,已經可以把Poly設定為hotspot;同意你話都係用翻手機做hotspot方便啲。你話Chord會自動推送upd ...

第一次既update係會不知不覺,當然你可以用番setup page睇到右上角既version number轉左。之後既update可以用app控制自動或手動,不過仲未有時間表幾時個app會上

samuelt 發表於 2017-12-1 15:47

本帖最後由 samuelt 於 2017-12-1 15:49 編輯


jkchow 發表於 2017-12-1 19:54

samuelt 發表於 2017-12-1 15:47


jkchow 發表於 2017-12-2 05:16

本帖最後由 jkchow 於 2017-12-2 05:18 編輯

有firmware update 了. 跟住下面方法做吧。

Step 1: Switch off Poly
Step 2: Switch on Poly and wait for 30 minutes (must be connected to network)
Step 3: Switch off Poly, Switch back on and wait 20 minutes
Update will be complete.

The update includes:
Wi-Fi MAC and Bluetooth MAC address visibility on the Access Point page
Access Point Wi-Fi Manage Connections page, delete networks resolved plus Access Point special character handling for Wi-Fi SSID and password added
DLNA FLAC file gapless playback
Restart of services when joining a new network
SSID 32 characters and password 63 characters max
Router DLNA services visibility
AirPlay updates
SD card database management improvements: If the SD card has space for database then the database will be stored on the SD. Therefore, Poly will only index the SD once, if the content has not changed. If there is insufficient space on the SD card, then the database will be created each time Poly is switched on.
Please be patient. We have a large number of Polys to update. If it doesn't work for you at first then wait and try again another time.
You will know it has been successful as the config page will show the firmware version 1.0.6.

samuelt 發表於 2017-12-2 11:08

已經update左,同時發現可以manual設定IP address後,可以用poly access mode 做hotspot,唔使用手機做hotspot都可以令手機經4G上網,相當方便。記住只設定auto login唔好設定auto join。

jkchow 發表於 2017-12-2 11:19

samuelt 發表於 2017-12-2 11:08
已經update左,同時發現可以manual設定IP address後,可以用poly access mode 做hotspot,唔使用手機做hots ...

我最期待的仍然是他那個gofigure app

samuelt 發表於 2017-12-2 11:46

jkchow 發表於 2017-12-2 11:19
我最期待的仍然是他那個gofigure app ...


samuelt 發表於 2017-12-2 11:50

8player 發現唔到DSD,MPDulxe完全播唔到歌,有冇好的嘅App?

jkchow 發表於 2017-12-2 13:06

samuelt 發表於 2017-12-2 11:50
8player 發現唔到DSD,MPDulxe完全播唔到歌,有冇好的嘅App?


jkchow 發表於 2017-12-3 00:11

剛剛用MPDluxe玩,原來佢必須你用poly 既hotspot接,同你必須設定佢做router你先可以播到歌,即係之前上唔到網果隻。但佢可以播到DSD file,我剛剛試過得。而且你播hi res file, 效果都遠超用DLNA播。

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