tleonard 發表於 2017-11-10 17:00

六位數嘅神級耳擴:MASS-kobo model406

機價本身未連稅都要一百六十五萬円/十一萬幾港紙,日本寄嚟香港嘅運費加埋個 Pelican 箱就盛惠二十五萬円至四十萬円,即係萬七至兩萬七不等:

小熊維尼就賣緊 $128888:

上個禮拜日有師兄聽過之後就分享咗佢嘅聽感:, we come to the long awaited, and very well known, at least in Japan, Mass Kobo amps. As some of you may know, I said that Mass Kobo 394 was the 2nd best amp I ever heard behind Goldmund Telos HDA 2. Currently, the model 394 goes for 600K yen and is still a very good choice. I highly recommend it.

This new model, called Mass Kobo 406, is the newest creation from Masuda-san and it goes for 1,650,000 yen and I will proclaim it here and now, that this is unequivocally THE BEST amp I have ever heard. Period.

I started listening to some bass heavy music and the slam was just incredible. But the most incredible thing, is that the vocals and the hand claps, heard in the Santa Esmeralda - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood were actually placed right on my shoulders. I kid you not, I actually felt like the performers were right there and then playing on my shoulders. Incredible performance which brings you as close to live music as I've yet experienced.

Also, this is not a tube amp. But the sound is beautifully soft and natural, so that no tubes are necessary. One side note with respect to the Goldmund amp I mentioned earlier. I have listened to it this year as well, and I currently think that the DAC section is its limiting factor. I clearly don't consider it the best amp ever anymore, this honor goes to the model 406 now. The digital nature of the Telos DAC is now obvious to me and I believe its due for an update.

Sure, I still think its slam is incredible and its holographic sound as well, but the model 406 is on another level. If you're ever at this show, I highly recommend you listen to this incredible masterpiece. Oh, and by the way, Masuda-san builds these amps by himself.

Currently, Masuda-san is working on model 405, which is going to be the accompanying preamp for the model 406. If the 406 by itself, and simply fed from a CD player sounds like this, I'm scared to even imagine what it will sound with the 405 preamp. Yes, and also with Chord Dave as its source.

國內嘅師兄亦都有討論,當時嘅定價只係八十萬円: headphone amplifier also 800,000JPY.
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