mc27588 發表於 2017-11-6 20:59

XLO LE2-10 AC Power Cord

LE2-10 AC Power Cord


Type LE2-10 AC Power Cord improves the sound of amplifiers, receivers, CD players and CD transports, and makes a big difference in the picture quality, detail resolution and color balance of any kind of TV set, video projector, or DVD player. It’s a very significant step in achieving the full potential of even the very best audio or Home Theater System.
♦ Advanced technology protected by U.S. Patent Number 7,170,008
♦ Symmetrical Field Balanced™ winding geometry
♦ 10 AWG, 6N (99.99998% pure) PCOCC (Pure Copper, Ohno Continuous Cast), individually insulated copper (mixed array; round strands plus
rectangular solid core) conductors; XLO's original proprietary treatments plus multi-step high-intensity degaussing and full cryogenic treatment
reconfigures the dynamics of cable and connector molecular structure for improved performance
♦ Exclusive bi-metallic double-shielded and double-grounded construction for broader bandwidth EMI and RFI rejection
♦ XLO™ electrical safety certified with UL approved connectors; UL certification of improved cable design has been filed for and is expected shortly
♦ Terminated with premium XLO 15A/125VAC NEMA AC plugs and matching IEC connectors, featuring special OCC copper contacts; Connector shells
are proprietary precision machined and anodized non-conductive aluminum alloy; Other XLO™ Premium connectors are also available
♦ XLO™ cable identification ring with serial number for cable authenticity
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