simon 發表於 2009-12-19 21:02

其實有冇 router

可以用兩間唔同網絡供應商0既呢 ?? {:6_136:}

hkbomberman 發表於 2009-12-19 21:11

Routers for enterprises (e.g. Cisco, Jupiter)?Or for homes like those brands available in Golden?

兩間唔同網絡供應商 means one router with two WAN ports connecting to two ISP / telecom service providers?

juniorx 發表於 2009-12-19 21:14

所有可以support dual WAN就得啦。

simon 發表於 2009-12-19 21:24

本帖最後由 simon 於 2009-12-19 21:30 編輯

Routers for enterprises (e.g. Cisco, Jupiter)?Or for homes like those brands available in Golden?

兩間唔同網絡供應商 means one router with two WAN ports connecting to two ISP / telecom service prov ...
hkbomberman 發表於 2009-12-19 21:11
yes !!! 全對啊 !! 家用的 {:6_162:}

simon 發表於 2009-12-19 21:29

所有可以support dual WAN就得啦。
juniorx 發表於 2009-12-19 21:14

如果我 IMX + 和 x 入dual WAN0既 rounter 就可以了嗎 ? 又如果用來 bt 又有冇問題呢 ?? 請問有冇好牌子介紹呢 ? 同大約要幾錢呢 {:6_162:}

hkbomberman 發表於 2009-12-19 22:05

本帖最後由 hkbomberman 於 2009-12-19 22:09 編輯

I've got the info from a magazine. {:6_240:}

Vigor 2910G/VG, Vigor 2910/V

Vigor 2820VN, 2820N, 2820

Web site of HK Agent:

You need two WAN ports at home{:6_130:} .I wonder what you do and how critical it is...   {:6_143:}

simon 發表於 2009-12-19 22:20

I've got the info from a magazine. {:6_240:}

Vigor 2910G/VG, Vigor 2910/V

Vigor 2820VN, 2820N, 2820

Web site of HK Agent: www.everbesthk. ...
hkbomberman 發表於 2009-12-19 22:05
其實我忽發其想 , 諗下有冇呢樣東西呢 ? 點知真係有0架 {:6_136:} ,
我用0左 imx 十多年 , 但佢月費較貴 , 如果加到和 x 一起用唔知咁會否又快又平咁呢 {:6_141:}

hkbomberman 發表於 2009-12-19 23:14

For home market, ISPs are talking about the local data transmission rate.Thus, BB1xx and IMx 30m are the plans on this basis.Unless one subscribes private leased line to overseas (extremely expensive), no one can get the same data rate from overseas.

If you want to get OVERALL best result, I may suggest:
- one IMx because it has the best overseas bandwidth for home users
- BB1xx because it has best value for local bandwidth

For cheapest solution, you can select the cheapest plans from any two ISPs in Hong Kong.

simon 發表於 2009-12-19 23:26

本帖最後由 simon 於 2009-12-20 00:02 編輯

THANKS hkbomberman兄 , 其實我已經用緊 imx 30M , 起初速度都唔錯(比起 8M) , 但用左一兩個月開始一般了 ,
有人話 30M 係好多户 share 用的 , 用的人多了就變慢 (唔知真定假) , 所以諗0下可唔可以兩
間 isp 一齊玩 , 但剛才爬0左一輪文 , 原來dual WAN係分配用 , 係做唔到 1 + 1 = 2 加速的 ,
都係玩番 30m 算了 {:6_136:}
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