Raphael 發表於 2018-1-3 16:03

點解 UHD 唔跟埋隻 3D....... {:6_126:}

Hugo Fok 發表於 2018-1-3 16:24

泰版有 4K , 咁即係中、港、台、韓都有機會出 4K... 希望個期都係三月初啦 {:6_157:}

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-1-11 09:12

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2018-1-11 09:34 編輯

美版 Street Date: 6 Mar, 2018

Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Studios have announced the Blu-ray Combo Pack (BD/DVD/Digital HD), 4K UltraHD Combo Pack (4K UHD/BD/Digital HD), and DVD releases of Taika Waititi'sThor:Ragnarok.

Extras, which the press release warns usmay vary by retailer, will include:
• Director’s Introduction
• Deleted/Extended Scenes - Deleted Scenes: The Sorcerer Supreme, Skurge Finds Heimdall & Hulk Chases Thor Through Sakaar and Extended Scenes: Thor Meets the Grandmaster, Stupid Avenger vs. Tiny Avenger & Grandmaster and Topaz
• Gag Reel - Watch a collection of goofs, gaffes and pratfalls starring the cast
• Exclusive ShortTeam Darryl – Fresh off being unseated as the ruler of Sakaar, the Grandmaster makes his way to Earth to start a new life. It’s been over a year since Thor left Australia and Darryl has been struggling to pay his rent. Now Darryl needs a new roommate to help make the monthly payments. Unfortunately for Darryl, the Grandmaster was the only one who answered Darryl’s “Roommate Needed” ad and with no viable options, the Grandmaster moves in.
•Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years - The Evolution of Heroes – Marvel’s universe is vast and transcends both time and space. We’ll examine the Cinematic Universe as a whole and revisit each of our heroes’ current location and their place in the current MCU timeline, as it all leads up to the one culminating event:Avengers: Infinity War.
•Getting in Touch with Your Inner Thor – Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi has brought his unique sensibility and sense of humor to the film in a great many ways but it is the evolution of Thor’s own sense of humor, which stands out the most in the new film. This piece explores the impact Chris Hemsworth has made on the development of his widely-loved character and celebrates the mighty cast and crew who reveal the fun and hard work that went into assembling Thor’s eccentric counterparts.
•Unstoppable Women: Hela & Valkyrie – This piece explores the strong female characters in Thor: Ragnarok, their importance in the MCU, their incredible casting and their epic comic origins.
•Finding Korg – A tongue-in-cheek interview with Taika on casting Korg. He describes the difficult search for just the right evolution of the character design, and the nuances of this instantly classic character in the MCU. This conversation will also delve into all the extraordinary visual effects that brought Korg, Sakaar and the worlds ofThor: Ragnarok to life.
•Sakaar: On the Edge of the Known and Unknown – Sakaar is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. This documentary will answer all known and unknown questions while also exploring the hard work and creativity that went into creating the look and feel of Sakaar. From design inspired by Jack Kirby’s classic artwork to the dedication of the visual development team to the awe-inspiring physical and digital production, you will see this distant world come alive.
•Journey into Mystery – A deep dive story piece with the writers, director and producer Kevin Feige about the inspirations forThor: Ragnarok within the comics. Most notably, the contest of champions limited series where the Grandmaster pitted our favorite heroes against one another as he does in the film. This piece also further explores Thor’s comic book origins and classic arcs through interviews with some of the most important comic creators, such as Walt Simonson and Jack Kirby.
• 8bit Scenes,Final Bridge Battle + Sakaar Spaceship Battle – Dive into these climactic sequences presented in retro video-game format.
• Directors Commentary

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-1-11 15:35

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2018-1-12 12:33 編輯

英版 (4K UHD + BD) Street Date: 26 Feb, 2018

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-1-12 12:23

日版 (各版本) Street Date: 7 Mar, 2018

Hugo Fok 發表於 2018-1-12 14:05

英版個封底 Design 真係有 D 流... 希望唔好全球用一個 Design 啦... 未知港版 4K 幾時有期呢 ??? {:6_128:}

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-1-26 12:56

台版 (各版本) Street Date: 9 Mar, 2018

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-1-26 14:59

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2018-1-26 15:05 編輯

台版 (各版本) Street Date: 9 Mar, 2018

Jamie718 發表於 2018-1-28 19:20

港版 Street Date:6 Mar,2018

Hugo Fok 發表於 2018-1-29 13:37

期待 {:6_139:}
頁: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
查看完整版本: Thor: Ragnarok【雷神奇俠 3: 諸神黃昏】4K UHD / BD

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