AV amp 有時detect唔到input source的audio signal
本帖最後由 patrickcw 於 2017-10-21 20:07 編輯小弟用緊marantz sr5012, 間唔中當選input source如 dvd / CBL/SAT / bluray畫面正常轉到, 但係個amp就detect唔到佢個audio signal!
按remote上的 "info" 見到所有input channels都是空的, 但係好肯定個input source係有audio signal經HDMI出緊!
LE種情況唔係成日發生, 每次都要重開部AMP先detect到, D&M果邊話可能係HDMI線入面有D control link有問題所以部AMP自動mute左D聲! 叫我有問題時試下OFF左TV的HDMI CONTROL, 但係都唔得!
Input Mode: HDMI
HDMI Control: OFF
HDMI Pass Through: ON
終於搵出原因! 唔知點解DVD d聲係TV出, off左個ARC搞掂{:1_334:}
本帖最後由 ac388 於 2017-10-23 13:14 編輯Marantz's ARC to OFF, right ? Since I got same problem on my AV7701 preamp.. ac388 發表於 2017-10-23 13:13
Marantz's ARC to OFF, right ? Since I got same problem on my AV7701 preamp..
係AR, 我估係個HDMI passthrough問題, 因為OFF左個ARC, 個HDMI Passthrough都會OFF埋. 同埋個HDMI Audio out 會由TV轉做AVR.
即係著左機, 佢仍然當部機係Standby mode, 所以聲會係TV出!! 下次會試下剩係OFF左個HDMI passthrough.
D&M 話好大機會係TV問題, 佢叫我下次試下OFF左部TV睇下得唔得!
我而家用緊Panasonic, C-hing用緊咩野TV? Besides Epson projector, I am still using 55" Panasonic plasma. It seems I have to turn on the Marantz last , otherwise, no audio sound or sometimes locking into 'DTS surround' rather than 'DTS-HD'. Also, I did switch around my HDMI cables too, but no change. I also replace the HDMI cable from AMP to TV, but it still happened sometimes! It is not relate to the cable. Turn the ARC off will change the HDMI audio out from TV to AVR! It seems there are possibility that the Marantz AMP is not fully matched with the Panasonic TV! 我用pioneer sc-lx88 都有同樣問題,駁咗DX900之後部amp只出到dts, 出唔到hd, 頭都大埋... panasonic viera可以用電視遙控較返家庭影院出聲,唔使關ARC davis1998 發表於 2017-10-23 23:45
panasonic viera可以用電視遙控較返家庭影院出聲,唔使關ARC
c-hing請問TV remote按邊個制?