BD 大清洗, 也歡迎交換, new add 達文西密碼+天使魔鬼
本帖最後由 CoolBlack 於 2017-11-19 20:42 編輯購買或交換也可,量多優先,留wharsapp.
The Dark Knight Rises, 法版鉄盒,$150
Life of PI, 港版3D+書仔,$80
Ironman 3, 港版3D only, $70
The increditable Hulk, 港版,$50
Resident Evil 1, 港版,$40
G.I.Joe, 內地行版,$20
奇異博士2D 鉄盒,泰版,$150 SOLD
Star Trek 1&2, 港版2D only, $50&$60, 2 for $100 SOLD
Total recall, 非加長版,$50 SOLD
Taken 2, 港版,$50 SOLD
Robocop 1-3, 英版$90, new robocop 英版$50, all $130 SOLD
Sin City, 非加長美版, $30 SOLD
Hanna, $20 SOLD
達文西密碼+天使魔鬼,日版,$50 each, $90 for 2
Mission Impossible 1-5, 英版,$140
變形金剛4,2D+3D,3公仔盒版, $110
The amazing spider-man 2, 2D+3D, 加版,$60
Kill Bill1+2, 加版,$50
The Hunger Games, 英版B區 1,2,3A, 3B, $90
赤壁1+2,加版,$60 SOLD
普羅米修斯,異獸戰,total $50 SOLD
The Dark Knight, $25 SOLD
末世天書,$25 SOLD
天魔戰神 $15
雷霆救兵 $20 SOLD
武俠 $15 SOLD
天姬戰 $15 SOLD
滅口佈局 $15 SOLD
補充內容 (2017-12-18 00:55):
Kill Bill1+2, 加版
The Hunger Games, 英版B區 1,2,3A, 3B
All Sold 圖2 圖3 圖4 雷霆救兵 $20
天姬戰 $15
普羅米修斯,異獸戰,total $50
The Dark Knight, $25
I want PMed.
pls hold Doctor Strange steelbook
thanks Please hold - ALL - Robocop 1-3, 英版$90, new robocop 英版$50, **(all $130)** to me, thanks. new add 達文西密碼+天使魔鬼 達文西密碼+天使魔鬼,日版,$50 each, $90 for 2
Mission Impossible 1-5, 英版,$140
Kill Bill1+2, 加版,$50
The Hunger Games, 英版B區 1,2,3A, 3B, $90
please hold and whatsapp 52818129 thanks