acer V7850 和 optomauhd 60/65 都勉強算係4k, 起碼好過1920x1080p,價位都係$2xk, 係無 hv lens shift, 如果唔需要 lens shift 可諗諗 ! Gorgeous 發表於 2017-10-2 15:12
DLP可能會彩虹眼 I have been using TW8300 for several months n very happy with it so far. For regular 1080P files, using Natural mode with slight calibration on contrast n Brightness will give you excellent picture already.
As for HDR 4K files or discs, you need to get the 'Harpervision' settings from AVSforum(free of charge). Otherwise, it will look too dark or color saturation way off.
ac388 發表於 2017-10-3 14:37
I have been using TW8300 for several months n very happy with it so far. For regular 1080P files, us ...
謝謝C Hing