用開60吋Panasonic意外打爛咗屏幕!而家睇緊心大心細不值萬五樓下電話。一部Panasonic58ex750h(未見過實物),一個Sony Ld65x9000e(見淘x買運費萬五)。有冇師兄可幫我分析開頭想買55吋但睇唔番細機,本身鍾情Sony多啲感覺聲音畫質都唔差但冇保養未試過淘咁貴物品。用開p記感覺平穩普通同細聲,其實本身睇TV多只有少量打機睇碟! 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2017-9-20 09:56 編輯
Buy X9000E only if you understand the risks, differences and limitations involved with the China version.
Panasonic EX750H is also very good with 3D and 5-year warranty. 我會選擇P記,雖然細部過Sony,但有五年保養,淘寶買,有乜事就麻煩好多,淨係運上運落就夠你煩, alanadc23 發表於 2017-9-20 13:55
有ching 話水尾 pana dx900 65吋 16000
Display unit only. If you using 60, then better buy bigger, otherwise you may regret!! Think more before make decision.. 又或者應該講買sony65 x9000e定 Panasonic 58 750h好? 用緊60"當然敲65"先係升級 終於係蟲蟲入左Sony x9000e開心使用測試中!但係未知死點請問有冇方法可以測試死點? poohchi 發表於 2017-9-23 12:26
終於係蟲蟲入左Sony x9000e開心使用測試中!但係未知死點請問有冇方法可以測試死點? ...