alanadc23 發表於 2017-12-1 13:59

apple11g 發表於 2017-12-1 14:44

送的轉插冇用過。用靚線可能會靚的,但妹仔大過主人婆,但覺得已經靚過Sony 陳列室 用嘅 X700 (當然冇行貨)+ Sony 4K . 我在 x800 option set custom1 減光黑位

apple11g 發表於 2017-12-1 14:47

BD at 1)X800 2) 103D

xianglan 發表於 2017-12-1 18:54

rtfather 發表於 2017-11-30 19:16

ching-right i'd been opened and checked inside shows 250v instead (by means of can direct plug in hk AC) I'm doing right now after two nights play 4k & blu ray do accept at USD 149.99 standard but not that sharp at all because it's only a basic player can't changed of cable   

apple11g 發表於 2017-12-1 20:05

Ching what 4kplayer you have comparedwith in terms of sharpness?Power cord is only one of the factors, TV cable as well as calibration will optimise the picture quality

Sywleung 發表於 2017-12-1 21:35

Hdmi 線靚唔靚已經爭好遠,改電唔一定係畫質最大原因

apple11g 發表於 2017-12-1 22:49

平平安安地靚線 4 5 百唔知有冇

rtfather 發表於 2017-12-1 23:43

xianglan 發表於 2017-12-1 18:54
ching-right i'd been opened and checked inside shows 250v instead (by means of can direct plug in...

Thx. I have tried to plug in direct to 220v input. Everything work fine at this moment.

By the way, I want to use it as a streamer for 2 Ch audio with coaxial connect to a dac. The iTunes and other music player cannot detect the X800? If I use the Music Center app by Sony, it works. Within the app, I can map different sources within the network and use X800 to play audio files from them. Anyone know how to set up airplay ?

apple11g 發表於 2017-12-2 07:49

AirPlay thru X800? Not AV Amplifer?

apple11g 發表於 2017-12-2 08:25

Iphone airplay music to Amp
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查看完整版本: 平靚正的 Sony ubp-X800

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